
Overall I had a solid time. I'm pleased that his event was able to return after the first in 2019, with all the numbers going up. I was happy to play games from my collection and exercise some teaching muscles. I walked away with some new local contacts from that, with hopes that it will have us playing more games together in the near future. Was also happy to share how I make games work as a blind player when asked. I definitely plan to attend next year. :)

#kingcon2023 #conreport

Last updated 1 year ago

Day 3, Saturday:

Arrived at con around similar time as Saturday, but without any time pressure. Introduced someone to shortly after arrival and they liked it. Briefly chatted with con staff before spending the rest of the day introducing someone else to multiple plays of where they mercillously crushed me, close-ish game of , and an even closer game of King Domino; they enjoyed them all, especially Alien Frontiers, one of my own faves :)

#kingdomino #ageofwargame #a #alienfrontiers #kingcon2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Day 2, Saturday (continued):

Began setting up my adapted copy of TI4 at noon, ahead of the scheduled 1PM start. Waited for more players then started at 1:30 with a 3-player setup. Made it through two rounds before meal break. Did supper out with one of the players and their friend. When about to reconvene, we were informed that the third player had left for a family emergency so we couldn't continue. They enjoyed their first look at TI4. Waited, nothing else played, left early 2/2


Last updated 1 year ago