As a youngster, David (the later king of Israel), slew Goliath, a giant, who was the champion of Israel’s enemy, the Philistines. #History #Bible #DavidandGoliath #KingDavid
#kingdavid #davidandgoliath #bible #History
During the period of early Judaism (6th century BCE - 70 CE), Judean religion began to develop ideas which diverged significantly from 10th-to-7th-centuries BCE Israelite and Judean religion. #History #Jerusalem #Judaism #KingDavid
#kingdavid #judaism #jerusalem #History
During the period of early Judaism (6th century BCE - 70 CE), Judean religion began to develop ideas which diverged significantly from 10th-to-7th-centuries BCE Israelite and Judean religion. #History #Jerusalem #Judaism #KingDavid
#kingdavid #judaism #jerusalem #History
According to biblical tradition (and some say myth), King Solomon was the third and last king in the ancient United Kingdom of Israel. #History #Bible #KingDavid #KingdomofIsrael
#kingdomofisrael #kingdavid #bible #History
Learn about David's protection racket in the Book of Samuel.
#YDS #YaleDivinitySchool #YBS #BibleStudy #KingDavid #BookofSamuel
#bookofsamuel #kingdavid #biblestudy #ybs #yaledivinityschool #yds
It's Spring Break! And we can't think of any better way to relax on the beach than with an introduction to the Books of Samuel, with Prof. Joel Baden and Prof. John J. Collins.
#YBS #YDS #YaleDivinitySchool #YaleBibleStudy #BibleStudy #BookofSamuel #KingDavid #KingSolomon #BooksofSamuel
#booksofsamuel #KingSolomon #kingdavid #bookofsamuel #biblestudy #yalebiblestudy #yaledivinityschool #yds #ybs
William #Byrd: Psalm 6, Lord in thy rage.
From Songs of Sundry Natures, 1589.
Eleanor Cramer: #soprano
Alison Kinder: bass #viol
Tamsin Lewis: tenor viol
#Psalm 6 is the first of the 7 penitential psalms, and is often found in books of hours accompanied by an image of the King David, kneeling in prayer with his #harp set aside.
Image: page from an #illuminatedmanuscript showing the penitent David, and the #Latin words of Psalm 6, Domine ne in furore.
From Aussem Hours, #16thCentury, W.437.45R
#Byrd #soprano #viol #psalm #harp #illuminatedmanuscript #latin #16thcentury #earlymusic #earlymodern #tudors #illuminatedmanuscripts #sheetmusic #bookofhours #Tudor #williambyrd #elizabethan #elizabethi #penitentialpsalms #kingdavid #illumination #history #renaissance #histodon #histodons #renaissancemusic
It’s all about the name, “David” in this weeks YouTube Watch!
Head over to “Hebrew by Inbal” on YouTube to learn all about this biblically important name.
If you’re a David enjoy it or share it with the “Davids” in your life.
Comment below with any famous Davids!
#hebrewbyinbal #kingdavid #david #davidbowie #davidbeckham #starofdavid #davidandgoliath #cityofdavid #hebrewname #magendavid #Fediverse #mazeldon #mazeldon
#hebrewbyinbal #kingdavid #david #davidbowie #davidbeckham #starofdavid #davidandgoliath #cityofdavid #hebrewname #magendavid #fediverse #mazeldon
Fascinating article here:
Deciphering ancient texts with modern tools, Michael Langlois challenges what we know about the Dead Sea Scrolls
#DeadSeaScrolls #BiblicalArchaeology #BiblicalArcheology #BookOfEnoch #Bible #MeshaStele #KingDavid
#kingdavid #meshastele #bible #bookofenoch #biblicalarcheology #biblicalarchaeology #deadseascrolls
So, back into #RoyalLiverpool again to see my mum. Waiting for bus next to my old school #KingDavid - definitely #AuldLangSyne! 2022 wasn't the best year for me, hopefully 2023 will be an improvement. #HappyNewYear
#happynewyear #auldlangsyne #kingdavid #royalliverpool
The Philistines populated the coastal regions of Canaan from the 12th century BCE to their disappearance in 604 BCE. The word "Philistine" derives from the Hebrew ha-Plištim for the combination of several tribes of Syria and Judea with the older name "Syria-Palestina". The Latin word for the lands of Canaan became "Palestine" after the Bar-Kochba Revolt (132-136 CE) during the reign of the Roma... #Canaan #KingDavid #Philistines
#philistines #kingdavid #canaan