For fans of #FinalFantasyVII, reminder that there were a few "CLOUD" books released which not only promoted the Compilation of #FFVII, but also a variety of other #FinalFantasy properties, #KingdomHearts, #ParasiteEve: The 3rd Birthday and more!
#SquareEnix #Dissidia #DissidiaFinalFantasy #AdventChildren #ParasiteEve #The3rdBirthday #CloudStrife #Gaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Squaresoft #PlayStation #KingdomHeartsBirthBySleep #RPG
#RPG #kingdomheartsbirthbysleep #Playstation #squaresoft #bookstodon #Books #book #videogames #videogame #Gaming #cloudstrife #the3rdbirthday #adventchildren #dissidiafinalfantasy #dissidia #squareenix #parasiteeve #kingdomhearts #finalfantasy #ffvii #FinalFantasyVII
PLEASE RT! finances are bad so i'm having an INCREDIBLE "garage sale" of 1700 items!!! I have a few great Kingdom Hearts items! Please spread the word!
#KingdomHearts #kingdomheartsbirthbysleep #kingdomheartsbbs #khbbs #kingmickey #akusai #khriku #khsora #khterra #khaqua #khroxas
#khbbs #kingmickey #kingdomheartsbbs #akusai #khterra #khaqua #khroxas #kingdomhearts #kingdomheartsbirthbysleep #khriku #KHSora