Resistance Chicks · @resistancechics
369 followers · 5803 posts · Server

LIVE 5/3/23 at 8:00pm EST REVELATION REDPILL EP11: How To Remove Principalities & Powers From Governmental Seats! Tonight we'll show you how to effectuate that change, pull down from any place of governmental authority & replace them with sons & daughters of the most-high God! Many of you are ready to see this world turn around & evil brought to ! Watch!!!πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

#kingsandpriests #Apocalypse #postmillenial #kingdomnow #Lastdays #endtimes #justice #principalitiesandpowers

Last updated 2 years ago

Resistance Chicks · @resistancechics
369 followers · 5802 posts · Server

LIVE 5/3/23 at 8:00pm EST REVELATION REDPILL EP11: How To Remove Principalities & Powers From Governmental Seats! Tonight we'll show you how to effectuate that change, pull down from any place of governmental authority & replace them with sons & daughters of the most-high God! Many of you are ready to see this world turn around & evil brought to ! Watch!!!πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

#kingsandpriests #Apocalypse #postmillenial #kingdomnow #Lastdays #endtimes #justice #principalitiesandpowers

Last updated 2 years ago

Resistance Chicks · @resistancechics
368 followers · 5712 posts · Server

LIVE 4/19/23 8:00 PM ET (NEW TIME) Ep 9: Tonight we deepen our dive into one of the most powerful chapters in the New Testament! Many Christians believe that a & are imminent b/c of current events such as wars & earthquakes & ; from a surface glance, they would seem to be right! But a closer look shows was speaking about on a very specific group of people & time in history. Pastors Cory Gray, Serge DaRosa & Jason Heydinger help us unpack who the great tribulation was meant for & what happened when God’s judgment came in . Watch!!!πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

#kingdomnow #Lastdays #endtimes #70AD #judgment #jesus #Matthew24 #GreatTribulation #rapture #REVELATIONREDPILL

Last updated 2 years ago

Resistance Chicks · @resistancechics
363 followers · 5495 posts · Server

LIVE 3/22/23 7:30 PM ET Wednesday EP 5: Exposing the History Behind Modern End Times Teachings w/ Our most anticipated RRPW yet! Where did the idea for a 7-Year /#Rapture come from? What if I told you the modern theories from sources like the series have only been around for about 150 years? Who came up with a that would whisk God's people away before a worldwide ? What do & have in common? They all taught the imminent return of in their lifetimes but somehow missed it. Tonight we will expose the enemy's plot to disempower the church. Watch!!!πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

#areweinthetribulation #eschatology #kingdomnow #PostMillennial #Lastdays #jesus #DLMoody #CIScofield #JohnDarby #Apocalypse #secretrapture #LeftBehind #endtimes #tribulation #DavidSorensen #redpill #revelation

Last updated 2 years ago

Resistance Chicks · @resistancechics
354 followers · 5283 posts · Server

Wednesdays: Ruling & Reigning with Now! With Cory Gray, Jason Heydinger & Serge DeRosa... Gear up for the MOST explosive series you've ever watched about the ! Get ready to have everything you thought you knew brought into clarity! Join us for our new weekly broadcast with amazing guests as we dial in on how to turn this ship around with power of God. Learn your position in the Body of Christ & get rid of toxic, , defeatist false that has rendered the Church powerless & impotent. Christ's bride should be ruling & reigning with Him!
Watch!!! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

#Matthew24 #kingdomofgod #kingdomnow #endtimes #theology #bluepill #Lastdays #christ #redpill #revelation

Last updated 2 years ago

AndrΓ© GagnΓ©, PhD · @ProfGagne
119 followers · 24 posts · Server

Interesting parallel between Don Paulk (Earl Paulk’s brother and Kingdom Now advocate in 1987) and C. Peter Wagner (NAR in 2011). The new move of God they each said to have experienced is understood as even bigger than / the most radical change since the Protestant Reformation.

#nar #religion #kingdomnow

Last updated 2 years ago

Resistance Chicks · @resistancechics
317 followers · 4653 posts · Server

LIVE Premiere tonight 11/7/22 9:00 PM ET!!!! : There's A New Government In Town- Reigning As God's Kings On Earth
Pastor, Minister & Kingdom Business coach, Cory Gray, joined us for an exciting must-watch conversation on how to unlock your Heavenly potential NOW. Cory has been given a fantastic of what it means to be a king, ruling & reigning in today in the of God! β€œ has tricked people into thinking it’s the end of the world when it’s really the end of him” and his reign in this world. When you awaken to that- then you realize we are unstoppable ambassadors of heaven as kings on earth.

#KingdomAge #kingdomnow #endtimes #kingsandpriests #Satan #kingdom #christ #revelation #CoryGray

Last updated 2 years ago