Throughout the 9th century CE, Viking raids on the region of Francia (roughly modern-day France) increased in frequency, destabilizing the region, and terrorizing the populace. #History #BjornIronside #CharlestheSimple #KingdomofWestFrancia
#kingdomofwestfrancia #charlesthesimple #bjornironside #History
Ragnar Lothbrok (Old Norse Ragnarr Loðbrók, also anglicised as Ragnar Lodbrok), whose epithet means 'Hairy-breeches' or 'Shaggy-breeches', was a legendary Viking king, with Old Norse sagas, poetry, and medieval Latin sources telling of his accomplishments in Scandinavia, Francia, and Anglo-Saxon England during the 9th century CE. #History #BjornIronside #IvartheBoneless #KingdomofWestFrancia
#kingdomofwestfrancia #ivartheboneless #bjornironside #History
Gisela of France was a legendary 10th-century CE Francian princess, who, according to tradition, was married off to Viking leader Rollo of Normandy. #History #CharlestheSimple #GiselaofFrance #KingdomofWestFrancia
#kingdomofwestfrancia #giselaoffrance #charlesthesimple #History
Gisela of France was a legendary 10th-century CE Francian princess, who, according to tradition, was married off to Viking leader Rollo of Normandy. #History #CharlestheSimple #GiselaofFrance #KingdomofWestFrancia
#kingdomofwestfrancia #giselaoffrance #charlesthesimple #History
Gisela of France was a legendary 10th-century CE Francian princess, who, according to tradition, was married off to Viking leader Rollo of Normandy. #History #CharlestheSimple #GiselaofFrance #KingdomofWestFrancia
#kingdomofwestfrancia #giselaoffrance #charlesthesimple #History