Speaking of great music, who's been jamming this new Gizz album? I fucking LOVE IT. Probably listened to it a hundred times or more, all the way through. Favorite tracks are Motor Spirit and Witchcraft. Not a bad cut on the whole damn thing, though.
#kinggizzard #gizzverse #music #metal
In the series #climate concept albums, this one by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizzard: PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of Planet Earth and the Beginning of Merciless Damnation.
Bang! 🤘
#psychedelic #metal #kinggizzard #climate
Time for an update on my #AOTY2023 list, because there has been some activity.
#KingGizzard received a boost and is a serious contender for Metal AOTY.
#Blackbraid entered very high, but is currently not a contender.
#SwarfDamage from Manx is worth a listen.
#MammothWVH migth get a boost soon, because their songs are stuck in my head since my first spin.
Apart from that some good (3,5*) and solid+ (3*) albums have been added.
What's your album of the year so far?
#aoty #tomsaoty2023 #MammothWVH #swarfdamage #Blackbraid #kinggizzard #aoty2023
Anyone in Europe on Masto? Anyone going to these shows? The Aussie boys take the stage tonight in Sweden for the start of their European tour! I think it’s tonight with the time difference… #kglw #kinggizzard Shows - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard https://kinggizzardandthelizardwizard.com/shows #music #LiveMusic These fellas are incredible. If you’re thinking of checking them out, try their live stuff on YT or bandcamp. They’ve earned it
#kglw #kinggizzard #music #livemusic
Pardon me but I’ve moved on to a 30+ minute of Head On/Pill and it’s got me shakin my ass #kinggizzard
Supercell absorbing structures
Unforetold in biblical structures
#supercell #kinggizzard #petrodragonicapocalypse
Things are really picking up on the #KingGizzard meme/shitposting front these days
Did you score one of the band’s #PaperSetlists after a concert? Take a photo and send it to our Setlist Archive!
Please send in photos of your #KingGizzard setlists with the date & location of the show, either to DM or email KGLW.net@gmail.com
“When new material is in constant and diverse supply, the stakes get a little lower, and a drastic change in direction feels like less of a betrayal. In other words, if you're not feeling the group in Metallica mode, you can rest easy knowing it'll probably come back around to, say, funky psychedelia before too long.”
Can’t wait for a #KGATLW jazz fusion album.
#kgatlw #kinggizzard #kinggizardandthelizardwizard
@chris I think the camp is sorta the point and makes metal more enjoyable IMO. They don’t take themselves all that seriously. Just like another one of my favorite bands, with a similar reputation at Pitchfork. #phish #KingGizzard
We found a nice terrace to have a pre-show beer and chill. Ended up playing D&D with furries, an old dude dressed as a wizard and Jedi/Friars (couldn’t distinguish). The DM had us rolling the 20 sided die and even broke out the elusive 4 sided die for the gray ooze that had seeped onto the concrete. The ochre jelly also vanquished. #kinggizzard lot
~the blend of jam, metal, synth, poppy/hip-hop was all fine by me
~thot the sound was great. Had good seats.
~love how these guys love each other
~opening montage/homage was super cool
~ill closing Drip
Thots from first Gizz gig:
~Incredible pace. Go go go. Didn’t even eat our snacks until after the gig. Not even close to mad
~Crowd was vibing before and after. Dress up get into it fine by me
~set list was very good
Je découvre enfin King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard, au moment où le groupe australien sort un album dans la veine heavy metal avec des titres somptueux qui évoquent Motorhead et Black Sabbath, mais avec la touche si particulière de ce groupe inclassable ! Quelques autres albums écoutés récemment me font envie d'en écouter et d'en savoir plus, parce que c'est grave chouette !
It's been a while between musical recommendations, and I originally planned this to be a daily occurrence. I make no guarantees that will happen, however I can guarantee a good time with this album: