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FACT: The Real Reason for April Fools’ Day (The AllFoolTide)
April Fools' Day, also known as the Allfooltide, is a day of practical jokes and pranks that is celebrated on the 1st of April every year. Many people wonder why this day is called April Fools' Day, and the answer lies in a little-known historical figure named Telemachus April.
Telemachus April was a court jester in #medieval #France, known for his wit and pranks. He was a favorite of #KingLouis XIV, who enjoyed his humorous antics and practical jokes. One day, Telemachus decided to play a trick on the king, convincing him that a grand celebration was planned for April 1st in honor of his reign. The king eagerly awaited the festivities, only to be disappointed when no such event materialised. Telemachus was punished for his deception, but the story of his prank spread throughout the kingdom and became a popular tale among the people.
Over time, April 1st became known as April Fools' Day in honor of Telemachus April and his legendary prank. People began to play tricks and practical jokes on one another, and the tradition has continued to this day. While Telemachus #April may not be a well-known historical figure, his legacy lives on in the form of this beloved holiday.
#medieval #france #kinglouis #april #histodons #medievodons #aprilfools