@hogihung its not ppl following me.. its me following ppl. It even unfollowed me from the #KingOfKent @GWFF and thats blashphemy in the new world that will rise under his feet
@hogihung its not ppl following me.. its me following ppl. It even unfollowed me from the #KingOfKent @GWFF and thats blashphemy in the new world that will rise under his feet
@CSB the #kok a loyal and devoted subject of the self appointed #kingofkent
The #kingofkent is keeping court on #jitsi until dimench b missus is done with he virtual hen do.
In half an hour the #kok himself Mr @GWFF the #kingofkent will be discussing #pubs, #kexit and https://beerandpub.com/2020/04/23/prolonged-social-distancing-will-bring-huge-difficulties-for-the-pub-sector/
On https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_radio_kent
#inthemorning in the afternoon!
#kok #kingofkent #pubs #kexit #inthemorning
In an hour your #kingofkent will be on https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_radio_kent talking about getting his old folks back to work, #kexit and #theendoftheRona
#kingofkent #kexit #theendoftheRona
Your #kingofkent has been invited on #bbcradiokent to say #inthemorning #tyfyc & and #kexit again.
4.30pm GMT today.
#kingofkent #bbcradiokent #inthemorning #tyfyc #kexit
The clip I got from when your #kingofkent said #inthemorning Live on the radio.
Your one and only self proclaimed #KingofKent will be talking about his shut micropubs and the inevitability of #kexit at 8:05am GMT tomorrow.
ITM! Here's to all my #realale luva's!
That's 504 wasted pints of sumptuous #kentorkentish #realale
#realale #kentorkentish #hearye #kok #kingofkent