Good Morning fr #Pasadena. Low clouds atm, otherwise sunny with a high of 26ºc (79ºF). Off to start gardening momentarily. Here is what I've been working on: removing from courtyard & potting #RhapisExcelsa aka #LadyPalms that were crowding less agressive palms (#ArchontophoenixAlexandrae aka #KingPalm & #ChambeyroniaMacrocarpa aka #FlameThrowerPalm.) I'm amazed how hard the #LadyPalms were to remove. I think they'll survive, but their roots took quite a beating. #PalmLovers #MastodonGardening
#pasadena #rhapisexcelsa #ladypalms #archontophoenixalexandrae #kingpalm #chambeyroniamacrocarpa #flamethrowerpalm #palmlovers #mastodongardening