An Evening with Zadie Smith: King's College, Cambridge
"Bestselling novelist and essayist Zadie Smith (KC 1994), one of the most essential writers of our time, joined us for a special event to read from and talk about her work."
#ZadieSmith #TheFraud #Writers #Art #Literature #Book #Black #BlackMastodon #BackTwitter #BlackFediverse #Academicchatter #EnglishDepartment #Yale #Harvard #Princeton #Stanford #Cambridge #KingsCollege #UK❤️ ❤️
#ZadieSmith #thefraud #writers #art #literature #book #black #BlackMastodon #backtwitter #blackfediverse #academicchatter #englishdepartment #yale #harvard #princeton #stanford #cambridge #kingscollege #uk
@terrygrundy Wonderful photo!
Is that the Great Court of #TrinityCollege behind? with the rooftops of #TrinityHall & #ClareCollege & parts of #KingsCollege in the background?
#trinitycollege #trinityhall #clarecollege #kingscollege
King's College seen from the Backs
Cambrigde has become one of my "hometowns" with a few visits through the last couple of years.
It is a fantastic university city. I just love walking down the streets and look at the old buildings, often quite "Harry Potterish" and so, so different from the campus at University of Oslo...
One day I will be back, hopefully soon.
#Cambridge #KingsCollege #UnitedKingdom #University #College #Photography #PhotoOfTheDay #PictureOfTheDay
#cambridge #kingscollege #unitedkingdom #university #college #photography #photooftheday #pictureoftheday
King's College seen from the Backs
Cambrigde has become one of my "hometowns" with a few visits through the last couple of years.
It is a fantastic university city. I just love walking down the streets and look at the old buildings, often quite "Harry Potterish" and so, so different from the campus at University of Oslo...
One day I will be back, hopefully soon.
#Cambridge #KingsCollege #UnitedKingdom #University #College #Photography #PhotoOfTheDay #PictureOfTheDay
#cambridge #kingscollege #unitedkingdom #university #college #photography #photooftheday #pictureoftheday
King's College seen from the Backs
Cambrigde has become one of my "hometowns" with a few visits through the last couple of years.
It is a fantastic university city. I just love walking down the streets and look at the old buildings, often quite "Harry Potterish" and so, so different from the campus at University of Oslo...
One day I will be back, hopefully soon.
#Cambridge #KingsCollege #UnitedKingdom #University #College #Photography #PhotoOfTheDay #PictureOfTheDay
#cambridge #kingscollege #unitedkingdom #university #college #photography #photooftheday #pictureoftheday
Ad agencies don’t need to believe their clients’ claims to be effective, he said, speaking of hymnodists
#kingscollege #carols #christmas
What are your go-to #SeasonalMovies?
Here's my partial list:
#Klaus (#Netflix)
#SantaClause (the original)
#Noelle (new last year, on #Disney)
#Scrooged (and now also this year's #Spirited on #AppleTV)
#KingsCollege concert of #TheMessiah
And classics from childhood:
I may not go to church anymore, but I celebrate the season my own way. Ha!
#seasonalmovies #whileyouweresleeping #Klaus #netflix #santaclause #homealone #miracleon34thstreet #noelle #disney #scrooged #Spirited #appletv #kingscollege #themessiah #loveactually #rudolph #grinch #CharlieBrown #littledrummerboy #ChristmasMovies