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Jordanien (5a): Petra – Orientierung und unverzichtbare Basics
#Jordanien #ReiseBerichte #AfrikanischerGrabenbruch #Akaba #Amman #Handelszentrum #Jordanien #Kerak #KhazneAlFiraun #KingsHighway #Kreuzritterfestung #Metropole #Museum #Petra #SchatzhausDesPharao #Siq #UnescoWeltkulturerbe #WadiMusa
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There are many popular sights within Jordan and if you take the Kings Highway from Amman to Petra then you will encounter Wadi Mujib. There is a very popular lookout that provides view of the Mujib dam but if you continue along the highway, over the dam and then up the other side you will find a teahouse. Stopping there not only gets you this view but a refreshment too.
#PhotoOfTheDay #photography #landscape #jordan #KingsHighway #WadiMujid #MujidDam #dam #canyon #travel
#photooftheday #photography #landscape #jordan #kingshighway #wadimujid #mujiddam #dam #canyon #travel