I've just finished _Demon Copperhead_ by Barbara Kingsolver, and it was great. Hard work, and painful to read in parts, but a really good book.
Here is my review: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reviews/a26035a8-0fc0-4fba-aec2-c65dd4cef575
#books #review #DemonCopperhead #Kingsolver #Dickens #DavidCopperfield #poverty #USA #appalachian #Bookstodon
#books #review #demoncopperhead #kingsolver #Dickens #davidcopperfield #poverty #usa #appalachian #bookstodon
Barbara #Kingsolver's Demon Copperhad is strongly based on 'Dickens' David Copperfield. To help me understand the former, I've just re-read the latter. It's great!
See https://app.thestorygraph.com/reviews/c41c53f4-aba6-4965-9716-1348a495ffe4
#kingsolver #davidcopperfield #demoncopperhaed #charlesdickens #bararakingsolver #bookstodon #review #StoryGraph #literature #classic
There’s a lot to unpack here.
“So she sat up the rest of the night making notes and downloaded David Copperfield to reread on the flight back. ‘It was a masterclass,’ she says. ‘Learning all the tricks that he used ...’
“She finally had her way into writing about the “lost boys” of Appalachia, where 40% of children are raised by someone else, either because their parents are dead, in prison or too incapacitated by addiction.”
#kingsolver #demoncopperhead #literature
Not my day. Going back to reading #Kingsolver
Wordle 535 X/6
Finished Demon Copperhead by #Kingsolver. Fantastic writing-I think it's her best yet.