I've been toying with the idea of setting up a Redbubble store or similar, so I've been working on some potential designs suitable for tees and prints.
This one, remarkably, isn't even a Doctor Who one, but just inspired by what we watched for movie night last weekend, The King's Speech
#kingspeech #thekingsspeech #colinfirth #georgevi
Q. Did the #KingSpeech name checking of pretty much every profession currently engaged in #strike action indicate his support for strikes or exhibit the same logic that had the #Tories clapping for #Nurses after having voted against a pay rise for them?
#Royalists will see the new King engaged with his people... Republicans will see it as merely another rich person's pious words with no material substance.
Take your choice, but I'll be erring towards the latter
#kingspeech #strike #tories #nurses #royalists
Oh! The excitement. We’re going to watch The King, gathered around an iPad in the hotel room!
Thank goodness for my VPN!!
#TheKing #vpn #KingSpeech