The #tram could easily start/end near Wellington Sud in downtown all the way to Rock-Forest. I’ve driven this road quite a few times and there’s more than enough space for one. It’s a great solution for the summer festival at the park and let’s ppl leave their cars at home for hassle-free transit (which means you can drink and not worry about driving home).
#urbanism #kingst #StreetDesign #Sherbrooke #tram
Meeting With Jenny Leong MP
We recently met with Jenny Leong MP, Greens member for Newtown, to discuss our ideas for improving King St and local streets in the area.
As we all know, the Westconnex project has meant that much of the through traffic has been diverted away from King St. This presents a unique opportunity to rethink the way we use this space and make it better for businesses, pedestrians, and cyclists alike.
#westconnex #newtown #greens #auspol #kingst