About here. This is the view east, about 30 km east of the #Threeways #Roadhouse, Northern Territory.
On Sat 21 January 1995 the #Kingswood I was in flipped and #rolled. I had a crack at writing about this back in 2014.
Love to all.
#threeways #Roadhouse #kingswood #rolled
I have no idea what I'm doing 😂 I was only given a handful of servers I could join.
I chose #Australia, because I lived there in 2003 when I got my teaching degree. I lived in #Kingswood #Penrith #NSW
I have briefly lived in #Southampton England to teach Years 7-9 but I identify more with my time in Australia.
I'm actually #Canadian in #Toronto and have seen #StarTrekDiscovery shoot on my street/neighborhood along with #TheBoys #HandmaidsTale #UmbrellaAcademy #AmericanGods #TheExpanse #Titans I'm not up to date on HT, Titans and haven't seen Expanse. #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds shoots here too. 🖖
I play #DnD on Saturdays. We prefer #Foundry & #DungeonAlchemist but our DM likes #Roll20 and blends 2E with 5E. We've also tried #Rifts #Cortex #Marvel RPGs too. 😁🧝🎲📜⚔️
I tend to watch #trashtv like #blingempire #loveisblind #indianmatchmaking #toohottohandle and reality shows like #survivor #dancingwiththestars when my brain has gone kaput for the day/night 😜
I recently watched #FromScratch as I'm half #Sicilian (and half #Chinese ) and have been to my ancestral home in #TerminiImmerse ) It reminds me of #ThisIsUs and #GreysAnatomy and made me cry. I love #ZoeSaldana though. 🤩
One of my favorite actors is #MattSmith He's my Doctor from #DoctorWho and I thought he was brilliant in #TheCrown and #HouseOfTheDragon We met at #FanExpo 🤩
I came here because I like #AnthonyRapp too 😁 apparently we're supposed to use hashtags. I hope I'm doing this right 😜😁
#australia #kingswood #penrith #nsw #southampton #canadian #toronto #startrekdiscovery #theboys #handmaidstale #umbrellaacademy #americangods #theexpanse #titans #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #dnd #foundry #dungeonalchemist #roll20 #rifts #cortex #marvel #trashtv #BlingEmpire #LoveIsBlind #IndianMatchmaking #toohottohandle #survivor #dancingwiththestars #fromscratch #sicilian #chinese #terminiimmerse #ThisIsUs #greysanatomy #zoesaldana #mattsmith #doctorwho #thecrown #HouseoftheDragon #fanexpo #anthonyrapp