War es mir endlich anschauen. Gibt nicht viel zu meckern. Hoffentlich macht #Google es mit seinem neuen Headquarter nicht kaputt.
#kingsx #kingscross
Let me take my thoughts away to think about another day
Remembering the times I pray to help me deal with me
To be a Dogman
#fotomontag #photomonday #KingsX
Another pic from a live before the pandemic
(Doug/King's x)
#Fotomontag #Photomonday #kingsx
Wir sitzen auf dem Vorplatz von #London #KingsX. Da gibt es einen Realfood Market, mit leckeren Speissen aus verschiedenen Ländern. Hab' grad ne afro-karibische Salatmischung mit Falafel und verschiedenen Saucen/Dips gegessen. Lecker!
👉 Serviceinfo: Übrigens wird selbst auf diesem kleinen Markt mit verschiedenen Anbietern am liebsten Plastic Money genommen. Man muss betteln oder sich etwas doof geben, damit man doch bar zahlen darf
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheRockShow with #JohnnieWalker
King’s X:
🎵 It's Love
#nowplaying #TheRockShow #JohnnieWalker #kingsx
#NowPlaying Dogman off of #KingsX. 1994. One of their best albums. #PlayEverything 435
#playeverything #kingsx #nowplaying
@bradwilson I didn’t care for the latest #KingsX on first or second listen. It seemed a bit inconsistent compared to their earlier work, and I wondered if they had grown apart a bit musically in the intervening years. What are your thoughts?
You'll read that this band was "underrated". That they influenced many bands. Etc. I don't care necessarily. Great friend passed me Gretchen Goes To Nebraska on cassette back in 1992 or so and I've never looked back. Ty is one of my fav guitarists to listen to. Tones. Skills. Style. And on and on.
#guitar teacher since 1986. #musician
Lots of #bands you've never heard of, but some of my #guitar students you may have.
My #recording #daw of choice is #reaper #reaperdaw , that I've used since it's inception.
I have many #guitars and #amplifier s, the top of my quiver being a custom #Suhr and an early 70s 50 watt Marshall JMP.
My musical preferences varies from #pinkfloyd #allanholdsworth #Coltrane #Bach #70sRock #easylistening #ELO #Soundgarden #kingsx #Queen
#Carpenters #JimiHendrix #VanHalen #Vangelis #Albinone #Vivaldi #Debussy #STP #cocteautwins #Beatles #PaulMcCartney #PeterFrampton #JeffBeck #LedZeppelin #Rush #BillFrisell #BrianBladeFellowship #JeffBuckley #FionaApple #kdlang #BradMehldau #Bacharach #ThePolice #manyothers
The best sounding #surfsound is at #MyrtleBeach S. C..
I have been a big #Formula1 fan since the early 90s. Pro #LewisHamilton ftw, or #ChecoPerez, #LandoNorris, #McLaren. I drive a stick 2014 #Subaru #BRZ #FRS aka the best daily driver created.
Post-political, old-school left biased. I will not accede to any political party unless the platform is to ban lobbying and PACs; nothing ever changes until that happens. I am as jaded as it gets in politics, and you should be, too.
Staunchly pro #vaccination #vaccines #masks . I took preventative anti- #covid measures early January 2020. "This" could have been prevented, and is worse because of political pressure confirmation bias. #longcovid is real, and it's.... aggravating that 19th century anti-science propaganda flourishes in the 21st century.
Non-Kennedy #StarWars #StarTrek #BattlestarGalactica #2001:aSpaceOdyssey old school hard #scifi #LarryNiven #ArthurCClarke #Simak #FrankHerbert #Pournelle #Saberhagan #Asimov #FrederickPohl #HarlanEllison #Aldiss #StanislawLem #DamonKnight #DouglasAdams #JohnVarley #BenBova #PoulAnderson et al.
.... and Mastodon's character limit is this long? Hmmm.
#Photography I like to make intentionally blurry photos with #pinhole lenses, less blurry with my favorite luxury item my #Canon 70-200 F/2.8IS ii.
I reside in #NorthAugusta #SouthCarolina , which borders #Augusta #Georgia on the #SavannahRiver.
My wife is a #nuclear scientist at the #DepartmentofEnergy #DOE #SavannahRiverSite , I give #guitarlessons online via #Facetime , #Skype or #Zoom since the #pandemic (and have since closed my brick and mortar office of > 12 years). We have a super smart movie-dog cute #Goberian , but #GermanSheperds are wonderful.
Time to restring guitars, hope this works and doesn't inadvertently violate some arcane rule...?
#guitar #musician #bands #recording #daw #reaper #reaperdaw #guitars #amplifier #suhr #pinkfloyd #allanholdsworth #coltrane #bach #70sRock #easylistening #elo #soundgarden #kingsx #queen #carpenters #jimihendrix #vanhalen #vangelis #albinone #vivaldi #debussy #stp #cocteautwins #beatles #paulmccartney #peterframpton #jeffbeck #ledzeppelin #rush #billfrisell #brianbladefellowship #jeffbuckley #fionaapple #kdlang #bradmehldau #bacharach #thepolice #manyothers #surfsound #myrtlebeach #formula1 #lewishamilton #checoperez #landonorris #mclaren #subaru #brz #FRS #vaccination #vaccines #masks #covid #LongCovid #starwars #startrek #battlestargalactica #scifi #larryniven #arthurcclarke #simak #frankherbert #pournelle #saberhagan #asimov #frederickpohl #harlanellison #aldiss #stanislawlem #damonknight #douglasadams #johnvarley #BenBova #poulanderson #photography #pinhole #canon #northaugusta #southcarolina #augusta #georgia #savannahriver #nuclear #departmentofenergy #doe #savannahriversite #guitarlessons #facetime #skype #zoom #pandemic #goberian #germansheperds
Some #kingsx for the morning #DriveTimeTuneage #Summerland
#summerland #DriveTimeTuneage #kingsx
Walking from St. Pancras to Camden along the Regent’s Canal
#stpancras #stpancrasinternational #stpancrasstation #kingscross #kingsx #regentscanal #regentscanalwalk #regentcanal #coaloffice #coaldropsyard #gasholder #gasholderpark #london #london2021 #l… https://instagr.am/p/CdNnamSMvfO/
#stpancras #stpancrasinternational #stpancrasstation #kingscross #kingsx #regentscanal #regentscanalwalk #regentcanal #coaloffice #coaldropsyard #gasholder #gasholderpark #london #London2021 #l
I mean come the fuck on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtOb2_3YOCE #kingsx
Doug Pinnick is a goddamned national treasure https://youtube.com/watch?v=1K0hmNQdWoc #kingsx #dougpinnick