So... my autistic girl hasn't given sign of life yet. I'm just patient.

On the other hand, I'm going for a supper date with a sub next week.

On the third hand, I'm talking to a girl on .

On the fourth hand, a straight person liked me on ... and I don't see why. I'm expecting a scammer. I'm going to be pleasantly surprise if she isn't.

#kinkd #feeld #dating #relationships

Last updated 1 year ago

And continues to be shit party. Someone who identifies as a mistress decided to follow me. I'll bet you a million dollars that this is a scammer. She hasn't read my profile.

(If you don't pay for the service there "following" people is how you can match. If you do pay for service, you can talk to anyone. You don't have to follow first.)

#kinkd #dating #datingapp #scammer #cockroach

Last updated 1 year ago

So yeah, someone liked me on . She was in NY, however. I did a reverse image search on the first profile picture, and... and... yep... !

and !

#kinkd #cockroach #reported #blocked #dating #datingprofile #reverseimagesearch

Last updated 1 year ago

Ngl, I've been talking to a 45yo woman on and it ain't going super well. She tends to assume rather than let me reveal myself.

I am human too so I do too sometimes, but I'm also a . I let people reveal themselves to me.

I find that the young people I've dated tend to do the same as I do. Maybe because they have "beginner's mind?" I tell them something and then they ask, rather than assume they know the answer.

#kinkd #assume #zen #buddhist #dating #zenbuddhism

Last updated 1 year ago

As to why I'd keep and ditch .

OkCupid: one relationship with Slutty Impala that ended up being a one night stand. That's all the success I got on it.

KinkD: one relationship with Pretty Impala that is definitely not a one night stand. This is *already* more success than on OkCupid.

I'm also now talking to a 45 year old woman. I haven't mentioned her yet her or on .

#kinkd #okcupid #medium #datingapps #dating

Last updated 1 year ago

Sometimes sends me a notification that someone liked me back. Then I check and their account is inaccessible to me.

Maybe OKCupid decided they were a . Maybe they caught in the meantime and are too ashamed to admit it. Maybe they decided they don't want me after all.

However, why doesn't the app destroy the notification when it realizes that I CANNOT POSSIBLY REPLY TO THE LIKE?

Call me crazy but I might just decide to keep and ditch .

#okcupid #scammer #covid #kinkd

Last updated 1 year ago

@queeristhenewcool What do you do to find your older women? I was married 22 years to a woman 20 years older than I am but it was just chance that I met her.

Way back when it was on a Zen mailing list that we met.

Now I meet my partners (who are often baby girls and baby boys) on , and .

#feeld #kinkd #discord

Last updated 1 year ago

The latest installment of my newsletter.

I talk in this one about a black that I met on . I'm very optimistic about this nascent relationship.

#goddess #kinkd #relationships #love #sex #bdsm #dating

Last updated 1 year ago

OMFG! She answered!!! And she addressed what I said!!! She's not a monosyllabic answerer!!!

Is this going to be my first success on ... time will tell but I'm optimistic.


Last updated 1 year ago

Ok so a black 22yo cis girl replied to me on with "hi!"

She could be a shy girl... or she could be like the one that kept answering in monosyllables and that I eventually blocked.

Time will tell...

By the way, KinkD is buggy as hell. I no longer get notifications when people message me... fun!

#kinkd #dating #datingapps #relationships #love

Last updated 1 year ago

still proves to be a hell hole. I've initiated chat with a ton of people, but very few respond.

Today, a girl decided to respond, but she was answering in monosyllables, and really I felt she was dragging me along.

My last message was that I'm a patient and optimistic man (this is true), but that the chat I had with her was shitty. I also mentioned that someone younger wanted me on . Then I blocked her.

I don't like playing the card, but sometimes...

#kinkd #feeld #age #dating #datingapp

Last updated 2 years ago

Ok, so a cis black girl (26yo) responded to me on but I did not get the damn notification!

I'm inquiring about her location (not the precise location!!!) for planning purposes.

#kinkd #dating #datingapp #relationships #love

Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
41 followers · 713 posts · Server

is really the pits. I'm talking to a lot of people there but I get replies from a tiny few.

Or I get hit on by people on the other side of the country who don't bloody read my profile, and don't realize that I'm .

#kinkd #polyamorous #dating #datingprofile #datingapp #relationships

Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
33 followers · 569 posts · Server

Another person on who does not have her profile approved yet. I smell a .

#kinkd #scammer #dating #datingapp #datingprofile

Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
28 followers · 473 posts · Server

I saw an 18yo looked at my profile on KinkD... and I decided to contact her.

When will I learn?

Probably never.

🤦 🤷

#dating #datingapp #kinkd #relationships #iamanidiot

Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
24 followers · 409 posts · Server

Bloody hell. I got another follower on but that person is *again* several states away. I don't have even ONE damn follower in my state.

I'm getting tired of this shit, and frankly I suspect those profiles to be fakes. I did question one person, but she disappeared from the app.

And bam! In the time it took to write this toot, that person who just followed me disappeared from the app too.


#kinkd #dating #datingapp #relationships

Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
20 followers · 344 posts · Server

And the girl that came out of "approval hell" did not survive the day. She disappeared from KinkD today. I cannot tell if she blocked me when I pointed out the distance problem, or her account was deleted.

I'm not overly disappointed as I think she was a scammer.


Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
20 followers · 339 posts · Server

Ok, so my match on has her account deleted. It smells like a when that happens. She never talked to me. She claimed to speak French so I had some in my message but alas... never got to test it.

My match on ain't talking right now, and I don't know why.

Someone who messaged me on was in "approval hell" (her profile had to be approved). She finally talked to me but she's out of state, and I'm smelling a scam.


#okcupid #scam #french #feeld #kinkd #dating #datingapp #relationships

Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
18 followers · 304 posts · Server