#Confession time. Don’t #kinkshame me.
I have a paraphilic #fantasy where I buy enough shares in my landlords corporation so that the dividend pays my rent.
With today’s share prices and $ exchange rate, it would cost me an initial investment $145,300 to pay my rent with my landlord’s money. If I move out I’d get the investment back (barring more stock market tanking disasters)
#confession #kinkshame #fantasy
@FourBitDaddy I want that cross-stitched on a plaque near my front door of my house. “We don’t #kinkshame, #sexshame or #slutshame in this house!”
#kinkshame #sexshame #slutshame
Dont #kinkshame there #kylo you’re one step down from a gimp mask as it is. #starwars #lego
#kinkshame #kylo #starwars #lego
RT @ArielAnderssen@twitter.com
From this morning; possibly my favourite vanilla character ever. #KinkShame
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ArielAnderssen/status/1570096711242076161
From this morning; possibly my favourite vanilla character ever. #KinkShame