🥥 I'm NOT into #KinkShaming, but hasn't it crossed your mind every time you've seen a photo of a #Republican couple that these people must be absolutely INSANE in the sack? 🥥
Es wird immer so getan, als ob nur das weibliche Geschlecht "komisch" riechen würde.
So ein Pimmel, der den ganzen Tag in einer Jeans gesteckt hat, riecht auch nicht so lecker!
(ist natürlich alles geschmackssache*- kein #kinkshaming)
*geschmackssache 😏
I try really hard to avoid #KinkShaming, yucking anybody's yum, or being judgmental about other people's #kinks. But there are definitely some sexual practices and peccadillos about which I am habitually silent, because saying "eww..." is hurtful, and it's about all I got.
I am, however, happy to report that the #desensitization effect of 20 years of sex blogging operates continuously, if slowly; even after two decades, my list of silences continues to get smaller over time.
#desensitization #kinks #kinkshaming
Okay. Ken Ashcorp is a #BDSM #musician, mkay?
Witness these #lyrics from We're Shameless:
We don't kinkshame, no
We don't kinkshame, no
We don't kinkshame, no
If you're into it, just be into it
For your enjoyment:
#bdsm #musician #lyrics #music #musicvideo #kenashcorp #wereshameless #kinkshaming
I’m pretty much an open book for #kink and #fetish. There is an old saying, ‘don’t yuck anyone’s yum’, and I get that. #kinkshaming is judgmental, immature, and terrible. I’ve dealt with that a bit (understatement lol), and as long as it’s safe, there are safety mechanisms, and consensual. The #buttplug on the right was bought months ago, and only recently have I been able to take it fully. It feels great, and I love the feeling when it pops in my #mancunt #gaypiggy #bdsm
#kink #fetish #kinkshaming #buttplug #mancunt #gaypiggy #bdsm
Ich kapiere nicht, was manche Leute daran finden, #Fußball zu gucken. Kein #kinkShaming, aber das ist doch total langweilig.
PS: Es wäre nett von der #ARD #Tagesschau, wenn sie auch den Ton wegließe.
#tagesschau #ard #kinkshaming #fußball
@riimiton @Heikm @Evilpupu @eljas @vittorio_fossofino @KarjalaisenHoo @elitissi @biohumanisti @Ahlberg @quiri @TonyNyberg @valoisa @husku @hanna mitä?
Onks korvafetissikin joku juttu? Siis no #kinkshaming, mutta kaverin puolesta kyselen? 😬
P.S. That rumor was entirely true, I'd hook up with just anybody that had a beard and was into me.
And I enjoyed it a whole fucking lot!
In the end that guy I was dating married me, slut and all.
#SexShaming and #SlutShaming just as #kinkshaming is bad.
So don't do that!
#sexshaming #slutshaming #kinkshaming
Vintage Hosiery is my jam. Kink shame on Facebook, not here. #menwearinghosiery #nylonfetish #kinkshaming
#menwearinghosiery #nylonfetish #kinkshaming
We got the #kinkshaming discourse wrong.
Instead of arguing about which #LGBT stuff is kink, we should be shaming #cis #straight people for doing cis straight people things.
Just imagine. If #JordanPeterson talked about the meaning of manspreading, everybody to the right of Biden would be convinced it was an explicitly sexual behavior. Same with his lunatic opinions about lipstick and heels. Better not look nice if you have offspring, that's basically kink.
#jordanpeterson #straight #cis #LGBT #kinkshaming
@kabuki Ναι τους έστελναν φώτο με τίτλο "Δες την Φωτεινή Πιπιλή όπως δεν την έχεις ξαναδεί". Δεν κάνουμε #kinkshaming @Psychraimia @LockieLook @electric_knife @specktator_ @satanikokoutavi @arkoudi @foufoutos
@segnwrisastoika Μερικοί ευχαριστιούνται να πονάνε, δεν βλέπω κάνα πρόβλημα. Μην κάνουμε #kinkshaming. 😜 @pinkopalest
@Nausicaa @topofila @Leukonoe @void io uso #Linux e vi vo' in culo (senza piacere, perché non facciamo #kinkshaming) 😁 əəəəəəəəəəəə