A sneak peek at some of the illustrations that help explain & normalise #fostercare, #kinshipcare #adoption & more in "Room in the Nest" 🦆❤️
#fosteringfortnight #fostercaremonth #fostercareawareness #fostering #kinshipfamily #socialwork #swreadinglist #mentalhealthawarenessweek
#fostercare #kinshipcare #adoption #fosteringfortnight #fostercaremonth #fostercareawareness #fostering #kinshipfamily #socialwork #swreadinglist #mentalhealthawarenessweek
Just for fun... What's the funniest insult one of your children has hurled at you or another child? One of mine shouted this in frustration earlier, and I'm really thankful they couldn't see my face, because there was no way I could hide my amusement! 🤣
#parenthumor #parentinghumor #parentingwithhumor #parenthumour #parentinghumour #parentingwithhumour #momhumor #mumhumour #momhumour #parentingmemes #honestmotherhood #kinshipfamily #adoptivefamily #adoption #fosterfamily #fosteringfebruary
#parenthumor #parentinghumor #parentingwithhumor #parenthumour #parentinghumour #parentingwithhumour #momhumor #mumhumour #momhumour #parentingmemes #honestmotherhood #kinshipfamily #adoptivefamily #adoption #fosterfamily #fosteringfebruary
Reposting my #Introduction I followed @sarahtaber over here in the first wave of #Twitterexodus
I’m Steph #GenX an old #Rugby #WomensRugby player I live along the #MississippiRiver. I love #Gardening #Cooking what we grow. I’m currently restoring a1970’s #Airstream with my retired husband and kids #KinshipFamily. I’m hooked to my #Hydrow And there is always a #Puzzle on my dining room table.To pay for all this fabulousness I work in #Manufacturing #Casework and #FumeHoods for the #lab industry
#introduction #twitterexodus #genx #rugby #womensrugby #mississippiriver #gardening #cooking #airstream #kinshipfamily #hydrow #puzzle #manufacturing #casework #fumehoods #lab
*Happy dance*
The new "sibling group edition" of my #adoption & #fostercare book, "Delly Duck," is now on Amazon, as requested 😊
#adoptsiblings #adoptingsiblings #siblingadoption #adoptsiblinggroups #siblinggroup #siblinggroupadoption #adoptingtwins #twinadoption #adopttwins #twinsadoption #keepsiblingstogether #siblings #twins #AdoptionAwarenessMonth #fostering #fosterfamily #specialguardian #specialguardianship #grandparenting #kinshipfamily #kinshipcare #socialwork #socialworktoolkit
#adoption #fostercare #adoptsiblings #adoptingsiblings #siblingadoption #adoptsiblinggroups #siblinggroup #siblinggroupadoption #adoptingtwins #twinadoption #adopttwins #twinsadoption #keepsiblingstogether #siblings #twins #adoptionawarenessmonth #fostering #fosterfamily #specialguardian #specialguardianship #grandparenting #kinshipfamily #kinshipcare #socialwork #socialworktoolkit
My books. I hope they help you!
#fostering #fostercare #kinshipcare #adoption #familycourt #socialworkers #socialworker #socialworklife #socialworkersrock #socialworkreadinglist #socialworkreads #kinshipcareawareness #specialguardianship #kinshipfamily #grandfamily #adoptionuk #adoptioncommunity #specialguardianship #grandparentcaregivers #fosterfamily #fostercarer #fostermama #fosterparent #LGBTParenting #lgbtqparents #socialworktoolkit #playtherapy #adoptionmonth #AdoptionAwarenessMonth
#fostering #fostercare #kinshipcare #adoption #familycourt #socialworkers #socialworker #socialworklife #socialworkersrock #socialworkreadinglist #socialworkreads #kinshipcareawareness #specialguardianship #kinshipfamily #grandfamily #adoptionuk #adoptioncommunity #grandparentcaregivers #fosterfamily #fostercarer #fostermama #fosterparent #lgbtparenting #lgbtqparents #socialworktoolkit #playtherapy #adoptionmonth #adoptionawarenessmonth