A più di cinquant'anni dall'indipendenza di gran parte degli Stati africani, poche* lingue nazionali sono state elevate al rango di lingue ufficiali: le lingue nazionali della #GuineaConakry e del #Sudafrica; il #kiswahili in #Tanzania il #malgascio in #Madagascar; il #sango in #RepubblicaCentrafricana; il #kirundi in Burundi; il #kinyarwanda in #Rwanda, l'#amarico in #Etiopia, il #tigrino in #Eritrea, il #somalo in #Somalia e l'arabo in #Algeria, #Marocco, #Tunisia, #Libia e #Egitto.
#guineaconakry #sudafrica #Kiswahili #tanzania #malgascio #madagascar #sango #RepubblicaCentrafricana #kirundi #kinyarwanda #rwanda #amarico #etiopia #tigrino #eritrea #somalo #somalia #algeria #marocco #tunisia #libia #egitto
Entrambi pubblicati da Didier Jeunesse
Il primo è "All'ombra del baobab": 30 ninne nanne e filastrocche in undici lingue africane (#lingala, #bambara, #peul, #mina, #bamena, #susu, #soninke, #sango, #kikongo e #kinyarwanda e #wolof. [in italiano]
#ilibridelgiorno #Lingala #Bambara #peul #MINA #bamena #susu #soninke #sango #Kikongo #kinyarwanda #wolof
Ruanda proverbo
Abadâpfuuyê ntibaburâ kubônana.
Tiuj kiuj ne mortis ne mankas sin revidi.
#ruando #ruanda #kinyarwanda #esperanto #afrikaproverbaro #afriko
Qui connait la loi de la dissimilation consonantique ? On l'appelle aussi loi de Dahl.
C'est pas si compliqué que ça a l'air, en fait. 😁
#linguistique #geniedeslangues #kinyarwanda #kirundi #bantu
@datatherapist @trochee Thank you! On a more serious note: I do use algorithms, and I am fully aware of the drawbacks for environment and society. One of the things I am working on is using #HumanLearning strategies (because we are efficient learners) and see if these can be used in algorithms to make them less data hungry. I also work on other languages than #English (#Maltese and #Kinyarwanda in particular). I know it doesn’t absolve me of all my sins. But I try.
#humanlearning #English #maltese #kinyarwanda
Emmanuel Uwambayimena and I wrote a paper on #comprehension and #production of #Kinyarwanda nouns in a new theory of the mental #lexicon, called the Discriminative Lexicon. It incorporates a #word-based approach to #morphology, and is computationally implemented in a fully connected simple two-layer network. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/lingvan-2021-0160/html
#comprehension #production #kinyarwanda #lexicon #word #morphology
Testing how this tetrööting of tweet will work ... retrööting @KathyReid@twitter.com - Again, just the scribe on this one, but some incredible efforts from Didier Mugwaneza, @_josh_meyer_@twitter.com and @DUmuganda@twitter.com
, making the #Kinyarwanda dataset on @mozilla 's Common Voice second only to English - an incredible effort, supported by @giz_gmbh@twitter.com