Habe gestern auf der London Marathon Expo mal versucht die Weltrekord-Pace von Kipchoge zu laufen… 🙈 Ich wollte 200m versuchen, habe aber bei 100m abgebrochen. No way, das verletzungsfrei zu halten! Das ist so unfassbar krass, dass Eluid diese Pace 42K laufen kann und danach noch so frisch aussieht.
#LondonMarathon #Running #Kipchoge #RunLondon2023
#londonmarathon #running #kipchoge #runlondon2023
#Eliud #Kipchoge interviewed after this week’s #Boston #Marathon. He’s humble & thoughtful, but some aggressive questioning seemed to me to border on rudeness. Or is it a transatlantic difference in social conventions? #running https://youtu.be/sHT_bgtxRVM
#running #marathon #boston #kipchoge #eliud
Can’t wait to be in a race with the GOAT for the first time. #boston #kipchoge https://outsideapp.onelink.me/SFzJ/?af_share=true&af_ios_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.outsideonline.com%2Fhealth%2Frunning%2Fculture-running%2Fpeople%2Feliud-kipchoge-boston-marathon-2023%2F&af_android_encodedUri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.outsideonline.com%2Fhealth%2Frunning%2Fculture-running%2Fpeople%2Feliud-kipchoge-boston-marathon-2023%2F&af_web_dp=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.outsideonline.com%2Fhealth%2Frunning%2Fculture-running%2Fpeople%2Feliud-kipchoge-boston-marathon-2023%2F&af_xp=text&pid=in_app_share&c=In%20App%20Share&af_dp=outsideapp%3A%2F%2F&title=Boston%2520Is%2520Eliud%2520Kipchoge%25E2%2580%2599s%2520Ultimate%2520Challenge&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.outsideonline.com%2Fhealth%2Frunning%2Fculture-running%2Fpeople%2Feliud-kipchoge-boston-marathon-2023%2F&type=article&brand=OUTSIDE
Kipchoge e il record nella maratona: no human is limited #01Ottobre #eventi #Running #alphafly #kipchoge #maratona #nike #record https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9tYXhpbmV3cy5pdC9raXBjaG9nZS1lLWlsLXJlY29yZC1uZWxsYS1tYXJhdG9uYS1uby1odW1hbi1pcy1saW1pdGVkLw==.html
#record #nike #maratona #kipchoge #alphafly #running #eventi #01Ottobre
Bei seinem heutigen Weltrekord ist Eliud #Kipchoge die 100 m in guten 17 s gelaufen ... 422 Mal hintereinander. Verrückt!!!
(Mein schnellster 100-m-Lauf dauerte 15 s.)
Eliud #Kipchoge ist in Berlin gerade die Marathondistanz von 42,195 Kilometern in der Fabelzeit von 02:01:09 gelaufen. Neuer #Weltrekord!
Eliud Kipchoge broke the 2 hours barrier for a #marathon distance: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/10/kipchoges-sub-two-hour-marathon-how-legitimate-it/599974/
This is a very clear and important proof of the fact that it's actually *impossible*. It shows that on a special course, in the ideal weather, with laser-pointed pace, on-demand nutrition and a whole team of wind-breaking runners in front of him, *only* Kipchoge, the greatest runner of all time, could beat the time by 20 seconds!