Kirigami Addons 0.11.0 is out! This release brings some nice new components for your Kirigami and QML apps.
I finally edited together the build video for the garden lantern electronic pop up card I made in 2017:
#paperfolding #kirigami #paperelectronics #maker
NeoChat is a Matrix client. It allows you to send text messages, videos and audio files to your family, colleagues and friends. It uses KDE frameworks and most notably Kirigami to provide a convergent experience across multiple platforms.
#linux #kde #neochat #flatpak #matrix #kirigami
El fin de semana estuve trasteando con el #PinePhone. Mi ideal inicial era empezar cargando #Mobian pero no hubo caso, no booteaba. Decidí pasar a #Manjaro con #Phosh: va bien fluida.
Mi intención es evaluar cuál es el mejor entorno para desarrollar entre #Phosh y #PlasmaMobile.
Para #Phosh estoy probando #PyGObject y para #PlasmaMobile #Kirigami.
Hasta el momento #PyGObject es como todo lo relacionado a #Python: cumple con lo que promete. Necesito trabajar más con #Kirigami 😅
#pinephone #mobian #manjaro #phosh #plasmamobile #pygobject #kirigami #python
✂️ Faltschnittkarte *Treppenflucht* ✂️
Eine Treppenflucht aus insgesamt 8 Treppen leitet den Blick von oben nach unten immer hin und her – Meditation für die Augen. Die Treppen-Absätze in Form von breiten Terrassen laden zum Ausruhen ein.
Die Treppen sind wirklich klein! Die Trittbreite einer Treppenstufe beträgt gerade mal 5 mm!
#Faltschnittkarte #Popupcard #3D #Kirigami #OrigamiArchitecture #Treppe #Karte #Klappkarte #handmade
#handmade #klappkarte #karte #treppe #origamiarchitecture #kirigami #3d #popupcard #faltschnittkarte
✂️ Faltschnittkarte *Treppenflucht* ✂️
Eine Treppenflucht aus insgesamt 8 Treppen leitet den Blick von oben nach unten immer hin und her – Meditation für die Augen. Die Treppen-Absätze in Form von breiten Terrassen laden zum Ausruhen ein.
Die Treppen sind wirklich klein! Die Trittbreite einer Treppenstufe beträgt gerade mal 5 mm!
#Faltschnittkarte #Popupcard #3D #Kirigami #OrigamiArchitecture #Treppe #Karte #Klap
#klap #karte #treppe #origamiarchitecture #kirigami #3d #popupcard #faltschnittkarte
#DidYouKnow: #Kirigami is a variation of #Origami, the Japanese art of folding paper. In kirigami, the paper is cut as well as being folded, resulting in a three-dimensional design that stands away from the page.
Kirigami typically does not use glue.
#origami #kirigami #didyouknow
Turning a #Circle into a #Square is possible with this #Kirigami-inspired #Formula : MIT
To Find Life in the #Universe, Find the #Computation : Sci Am
This ‘super #Banana’ was designed to save lives. Will it matter that it’s #Orange? : Nat Geo
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #orange #banana #computation #universe #formula #kirigami #square #circle
@linmob And just to reiterate, we need help from as many people as possible to make Linux's mobile advancements easily visible and inspiring to all, so please, boost, boost, boost the post above!
Also, more hashtags to help reach more of you beautiful nerds across this wide ol' fediverse 😉 :
#DanctNIX #PinePhonePro #PlasmaMobile #PlaMo #Kirigami #GnomeMobile #MauiKit #Maui #MauiShell #SXMO #NemoMobile #PineTab #Angelfish #Megapixels #Millipixels
#millipixels #megapixels #angelfish #pinetab #nemomobile #sxmo #MauiShell #maui #mauikit #gnomemobile #kirigami #plamo #plasmamobile #pinephonepro #DanctNIX
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: #Kirigami-inspired formula provides blueprint for designing shape-shifting materials and devices @MIT @NatComputSci
Dose anyone know what happened to the #Wisperfish efforts of #UbuntuTouch and #Kirigami UIs? That sounded quite solid but I haven't heared about it in ages and can't really find much online ether.
#wisperfish #ubuntutouch #kirigami
(I'm guessing the effort #KDE developers have been putting into #Kirigami is moving exactly in this direction. Which might explain why #Tokodon, that uses this framework, actually behaves reasonably well on the #SteamDeck.)
#kde #kirigami #tokodon #SteamDeck
I redesigned my Spirals kirigami bookmark to make it less fragile. While I was at it, I made a handful and a few of the two different Celtic key pattern designs. Several people have asked. So, I put them up in the shop on the Evermore Studio site ( ), individually and in sets.
#PaperArt #Kirigami #CelticArt #KeyPattern #Spiral #LaserCut
#paperart #kirigami #celticart #keypattern #spiral #lasercut
Conseil (gratuit 😘) :
Si vous avez des enfants, mettez-les à l’Origami (art du pliage) et/ou au Kirigami, (art du découpage), car ces arts possèdent des techniques de confection qui peuvent avoir de très nombreuses applications utiles à certains champs scientifiques. C'est incroyable ce qu'on peut faire avec, même quand on est très jeune : une infinité d'objets low-cost et intelligents ! :shibahearteyes: #FOSDEM : #Qt/#Qml/#UI :
Writing a convergent application in 2023 with #Kirigami
Tokodon 23.01.0 is out! This is a new major release for Tokodon and while it’s been only 2 weeks since the last major release, this release is packed with new features and improvements.
Tokodon is a Mastodon/Pleroma/Nextcloud Social client built with Kirigami. Tokodon has a great integration with KDE Plasma and Plasma Mobile, but it also works on other desktop environments and even Windows and macOS. #Tokodon #Mastodon #Mastodonclient #FOSS #OpenSource #Kirigami #Linux #KDE #PlasmaMobile
Tokodon 23.01.0 release
#tokodon #mastodon #mastodonclient #foss #opensource #kirigami #linux #kde #plasmamobile
Quite happy with my first attempt at this little #origami #kirigami tree, thanks to @weare1of100 for the link in their weekly email 😊🙏🎄
Quite happy with my first attempt at this little #origami #kirigami tree, thanks to @weare1of100 for the link in their weekly email 😊🙏🎄