“I apologize for not being entirely honest with you. I apologize for not revealing my true feelings. I apologize, sir, for not telling you sooner that you're a degenerate, sadistic old man. And you can go to hell before I apologize to you now or ever again!”
Kirk Douglas in Paths of Glory
#PathsOfGlory #Kubrick #StanleyKubrick #KirkDouglas #JimThompson #CalderWillingham
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#pathsofglory #kubrick #stanleykubrick #kirkdouglas #jimthompson #calderwillingham #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
Ida Lupino and Kirk Douglas dancing at a costume ball, ca. 1947
#oldhollywood #idalupino #kirkdouglas
Gizmodo: 10 Shark and Sea Monster Movies to Stream Ahead of The Meg 2: The Trench #itcamefrombeneaththesea #rambofirstbloodpartii #richardfleischer #georgepcosmatos #michaelrapaport #rayharryhausen #stephensommers #samuelljackson #kristenstewart #shelleywinters #jessicahenwick #vincentcassel #mamoudouathie #williameubank #jonturteltaub #marianatrench #famkejanssen #jasonstatham #tommywiseau #kirkdouglas #themeg
#itcamefrombeneaththesea #rambofirstbloodpartii #richardfleischer #georgepcosmatos #michaelrapaport #rayharryhausen #stephensommers #samuelljackson #kristenstewart #shelleywinters #jessicahenwick #vincentcassel #mamoudouathie #williameubank #jonturteltaub #marianatrench #famkejanssen #jasonstatham #tommywiseau #kirkdouglas #themeg
Via Neville F Chamberlain @nevillefchambe1
#WoodyStrode born #OnThisDay, photographed with co-star #KirkDouglas and director #StanleyKubrick on location in Spain, rehearsing the iconic ‘fight to the death’ scene on the set of the multi #AcademyAward winning epic historical drama “SPARTACUS” (1960)
#movies #spartacus #woodystrode #onthisday #kirkdouglas #stanleykubrick #academyaward
72 years ago:
Ace in the Hole (US)
An arrogant reporter exploits a story about a man trapped in a cave to revitalize his career.
#AceintheHole #BillyWilder #KirkDouglas #JanSterling #RobertArthur #Paramount #ClassicMovies
#aceinthehole #billywilder #kirkdouglas #jansterling #robertarthur #paramount #classicmovies
I was eavesdropping on a podcast that was excoriating the media coverage of the #Titan
A gentle reminder... Self-serving media coverage is nothing new.
If you haven't seen it (and even if you have but it's been a while) I commend to you #KirkDouglas in the #BillyWilder movie Ace in the Hole.
It's brutal :skellyduck:
#titan #kirkdouglas #billywilder #movies #media #classicmovies
#Movies #KirkDouglas quit #FirstBlood and was replaced by #RichardCrenna, who was later let go as well?:
#movies #kirkdouglas #firstblood #richardcrenna
65 years ago:
The Vikings (CH,US)
Einar, brutal son of Ragnar and future heir to his throne, tangles with Eric, a wily slave, for the hand of a beautiful English maiden.
#TheVikings #RichardFleischer #KirkDouglas #TonyCurtis #ErnestBorgnine #UnitedArtists #ClassicMovies
#thevikings #richardfleischer #kirkdouglas #tonycurtis #ernestborgnine #unitedartists #classicmovies
On June 8, 1958, Paths of Glory debuted in Sweden. Here’s some Kirk Douglas art inspired by the anti-war classic!
#PathsOfGlory #StanleyKubrick #KirkDouglas #50sMovies #AntiWarFilm #CensoredFilms #WWIFilm #WorldWarI #KubrickFilm #DramaFilm #NationalFilmRegistry #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#pathsofglory #StanleyKubrick #kirkdouglas #50smovies #antiwarfilm #censoredfilms #wwifilm #worldwari #kubrickfilm #dramafilm #nationalfilmregistry #art #movieart #moviehistory
Pier Angeli Beautiful Lost Soul 1932-1971 30 years death anniv! song by Linda Ronstadt
#1971Deaths #AdondeVoy #DANNYKAYE #debbiereynolds #ItalianActresses #JAMESDEAN #JeanneCrain #JoanCrawford #KirkDouglas #LanaTurner #LindaRonstadt #MarissaPavan #MerryAndrew #PIERANGELI #SodomandGomorrah #Sombrero #SomebodyUpThereLikesMe #StoryOfThreeLoves #Suicides #Teresa #TheSilverChalice #VicDamone #ピア・アンジェリ
#1971deaths #adondevoy #dannykaye #debbiereynolds #italianactresses #jamesdean #jeannecrain #joancrawford #kirkdouglas #lanaturner #lindaronstadt #marissapavan #merryandrew #pierangeli #sodomandgomorrah #sombrero #somebodyuptherelikesme #storyofthreeloves #suicides #teresa #thesilverchalice #vicdamone #ピア・アンジェリ
Spartacus (1960)
⭐ Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Jean Simmons, Charles Laughton, Peter Ustinov, John Gavin
🎥 Anthony Mann
🌍 Municipality of Guadalajara, Taracena, Spain 🇪🇸
#Spartacus #StanleyKubrick #KirkDouglas #AnthonyMann #LaurenceOlivier #JeanSimmons #CharlesLaughton #PeterUstinov #JohnGavin #MunicipalityofGuadalajara #Taracena #Spain
#spartacus #stanleykubrick #kirkdouglas #anthonymann #laurenceolivier #jeansimmons #charleslaughton #peterustinov #johngavin #municipalityofguadalajara #taracena #spain
#Movies #KirkDouglas #EleanorParker #HardBoiled #OscarNominated
They don't come more hardboiled than this 1951 gem. Hadn't seen in in decades, it's still top notch, if a little over the top with 1940's police talk and rough treatment of everyone.
Recommended if only to get a feel for what would come later--the blueprint, so to speak for tons of police dramas.
#movies #kirkdouglas #eleanorparker #hardboiled #oscarnominated
Champion (1949) – M. Robson
Less a film-noir than a straightforward morality tale, but with the fight game as its vehicle. Kirk Douglas, as the boxer who rises from poverty to the championship, seems unambiguously selfish and uncaring -- his sad fate feels more like comeuppance. Perhaps we also feel pity since he can’t shake his anger at being abandoned by his father as a child and looked down upon by others because of his poverty. The film clearly identifies this anger as the source of his success as a boxer but it is sad that he can’t reciprocate the support he receives from those around him. The film stands out as a showcase for the talents of up-and-coming Douglas, a brave performance that isn’t afraid to embrace the anti-hero.
#filmnoir #cinemastadon #film #kirkdouglas
57 years ago:
Cast a Giant Shadow (US)
An American Army officer is recruited by the yet to exist Israel to help them form an army. He is disturbed by this sudden appeal to his jewish roots. Each of Israel's Arab neighbors has vowed to invade the poorly prepared country as soon as partition is granted. He is made commander of the Israeli ...
#CastaGiantShadow #KirkDouglas #JohnWayne #SentaBerger #ClassicFilm
#castagiantshadow #kirkdouglas #johnwayne #sentaberger #classicfilm
68 years ago:
Man Without a Star (US)
A wandering cowboy gets caught up in a range war.
#ManWithoutaStar #KingVidor #KirkDouglas #ClaireTrevor #WilliamCampbell #Western #ClassicMovies
#manwithoutastar #kingvidor #kirkdouglas #clairetrevor #williamcampbell #western #classicmovies
“More wine! Wine for Polyphemus, Son of Neptune!”
Kirk Douglas in Ulysses (1954)
#ulysses #ulysses1954 #kirkdouglas #mariocamerini #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#ulysses #ulysses1954 #kirkdouglas #mariocamerini #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
73 years ago:
Young Man with a Horn (US)
Legendary trumpeter Art Hazzard teaches young Rick Martin everything he knows about playing, so Rick becomes a star musician, but a troubled marriage and the desire to play pure jazz instead of commercial swing songs cause him problems.
#YoungManwithaHorn #MichaelCurtiz #KirkDouglas #LaurenBacall #DorisDay #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#youngmanwithahorn #michaelcurtiz #kirkdouglas #laurenbacall #dorisday #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Almost as memorable as this 2014 #Future Islands #performance on Letterman are these alternative #music meets #film bro comments.
(I personally love this exchange.)
@cinephile #Cinemastodon #FutureIslands #NewOrder #LCDSoundsystem #MarlonBrando #KirkDouglas #film
#future #performance #music #film #cinemastodon #futureislands #neworder #lcdsoundsystem #marlonbrando #kirkdouglas
Mon défi pour 2023 : #unjourunacteurunfilm ou #unjouruneactriceunfilm Aujourd'hui, l'une des plus francophiles des gloires de Hollywood. Une carrière impressionnante, et ce film interdit chez nous pendant longtemps. Bonne journée les z'amis ! #KirkDouglas
#unjourunacteurunfilm #unjouruneactriceunfilm #kirkdouglas