Alley is dead. Before we mourn her, let's remember that she was a Trumper.

#kirstie #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Grant · @nicegoingadam
381 followers · 302 posts · Server
olivier A. SERIZ · @olivier_seriz
64 followers · 232 posts · Server

Son rôle dans Cheers était vraiment casse-gueule et elle a réussit au fil du temps à imposer son personnage malgré tout. Sans jamais devenir un superstar, elle a tracé sa route tranquillement et a su faire durer sa carrière jusqu'à la fin de sa vie.


DERNIÈRE HEURE : L’actrice américaine Kirstie Alley est morte à l’âge de 71 ans. -


#hollywood #tv #television #cinema #arts #culture #kirstiealley #alley #kirstie

Last updated 2 years ago

Blamellors ✔️✔️💙 · @blamellors
14 followers · 132 posts · Server

My Twitter files:
Kirstie Alley RIP is the perfect example of why i left Twitter. A comedic actress, she never replaced Diane but she held her own on Cheers , was beautiful on Star Trek and did other brilliant work.
Yet Twitter made me dislike her. Someone i never met was one of “them”. COS or MAGA the algorithm kept me in a bubble that only dissed her. I never knew she disavowed Trump and regretted her vote did you? Even if she liked him was that a reason to forget why i liked her?


Last updated 2 years ago