RT @afrikarabia@twitter.com
#RDC #Kishishe Appel à la création d'une Commission d'enquête indépendante via @krisberwouts@twitter.com https://www.mo.be/fr/opinion/halte-limpunit-dans-lest-du-congo-kishishe-le-massacre-de-trop
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/afrikarabia/status/1609134810680655874
RT @krisberwouts@twitter.com
Mijn begeleidend artikel bij onze oproep voor een onafhankelijke onderzoekscommissie voor #Kishishe, Oost-#Congo: ‘We mogen niet wennen aan de gruwel in Oost-Congo’ - MO* https://www.mo.be/commentaar/oost-congo-rwanda-kishishe-de-massamoord-te-veel-niet-wennen-gruwel via @mondiaalnieuws@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/krisberwouts/status/1608748325188272130
🇨🇩 Le #Rwanda a accusé le gouvernement de la #RDC d'avoir "fabriqué" le massacre de #Kishishe. Selon une enquête des Nations unies, la tuerie a été commise par les rebelles du M23 et a coûté la vie à 131 civils. https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/le-rwanda-accuse-kinshasa-d-avoir-fabrique-le-massacre-de-kishishe-l-est-de-la-rdc-482738
RT @AntonellaNapoli@twitter.com
Continuano ad arrivare notizie tragiche di nuovi eccidi in #Congo. In un solo giorno i ribelli dell’#M23 hanno ucciso 122 persone a #Kishishe. Il tutto nonostante un cessate il fuoco che al momento resta solo su carta. Grazie a @kakumba_justin@twitter.com, amico e mio sguardo vigile su #Goma
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AntonellaNapoli/status/1599078444628815873
RT @DenisMukwege@twitter.com
#Kishishe: Horrified by consistent sources reporting mass slaughter, missing persons and forced recruitment of children. These crimes must lead to prompt sanctions against the occupying forces of the M23/RDF & prosecution by national and international justice! https://twitter.com/DenisMukwege/status/1598458668898459648
In worrying news from the #DRC: A ceasefire appears to be collapsing following the resumption of fighting and reports of a #massacre. The army accused #M23 rebels of killing about fifty civilians in the eastern town of #Kishishe. Thousands of people are fleeing fighting between the rebels, government forces and allied militias in different parts of North #Kivu province.
#drc #massacre #m23 #kishishe #kivu
RT @XR_RUTSHURU@twitter.com
🆘 The #M23 rebels massacred the civilian population in the locality of #Kishishe in #Rutshuru territory. Our sources speak of more than 100 dead, not counting the number of women raped, houses burned and wounded.
Serious violation of human rights in the East of the #DRCongo
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/XR_RUTSHURU/status/1598224483697192960
#m23 #kishishe #rutshuru #drcongo