How many people got tortured, disappeared, killed by the Pinochet regime in Chile? 9/11 was also a date to remember in Chile, as that was the date of the fascist coup and the death of the democratically elected Allende.
And yet, Nixon and Kissinger, who enabled the coup, never got punished for the crimes against democracy and the people who died .. If I remember well, Kissinger even got a Nobel peace price ... my blood boiled then, it boils now
“Documentos internos desclasificados ilustran la implicación de EE.UU. en Chile y el derrocamiento de Salvador Allende.”
✍🏻 Un análisis de #AnnaBosch
#annabosch #chile #eeuu #kissinger #salvadorallende #50anos #11s2023
Am 11. September 1973 stürzten Chiles Militärs die gewählte linke Regierung des Sozialisten Salvador Allende - mit freundlicher Hilfe der USA. Folter und Mord folgten!5957118/
#Putsch #Chile #USA #Kissinger #Allende #Pinochet #RechteGewalt #USA #Militärdiktatur #SalvadorAllende
#salvadorallende #militardiktatur #rechtegewalt #Pinochet #allende #kissinger #USA #Chile #putsch
More Evidence Regarding Henry #Kissinger’s Lies About #Chile
Wow. "Those are most certainly words."(Made my day, @Alex) - Henry the K and Eric Schmidt of Google's glory wrote an unbelievably void piece on #AI to foster the believe in people so that their pal Peter Thiel of #Palantir could continue marketing AI weapons. (That was probably as wrong a summary as ChatGPT could have given or #Kissinger himself. But why did the #WST publish that crap?)
The best part starts at about 24:00 minutes. I love #peertube
#ai #palantir #kissinger #wst #peertube
Kissinger at 100: Did Realism really require War Crimes?
He has much blood on his hands, for sure!
#kissinger #warcrimes #americanempire
Salvador Allende: Kissinger a Nixon en 1970: “Los militares chilenos son un grupo bastante incompetente”
#salvadorallende #kissinger #50anosdelgolpe #Chile
#MoroFiles La Commis Parlam e la magistratura continuano a nascondere la verità su #Moro
Nel 2014 il magistrato Luca #Palamara ascoltò segretamente per rogatoria il funzionario🇺🇸 Steve #Pieczenik inviato da #Kissinger per evitare di salvare #Moro..segretato per indagini infinite
#MoroFiles #moro #palamara #pieczenik #kissinger
@tristansnell Did everyone but me know #Nixon and #Kissinger had a secret plan to NUKE N.Vietnam if they didn't withdraw from S.Vietnam: Operation Duck Hook.
The war protest movement organized and held two huge marches in DC, luckily right before the deadline Nixon set. He then feared if he used nukes America could turn against him.
So instead he carried out a SECRET OP threatening to nuke #Vietnam and RU. He kept that from Americans, too. We found out decades later.
The 100-year-old #Kissinger's recent trip to #China was aimed at easing tensions between the two nations.
This shows how useless and incompetent the #Biden administration is and how dysfunctional #US foreign policy is in general.
That matches!
#Kissinger, the #criminal crucially responsible for the 1973 #coup in #Chile, including the establishment of #concentrationcamps, #torture, #murder and #rape, and the #Chinese who maintain #concentrationcamps including #torture and #rape. People are meeting with common interests.
#kissinger #criminal #coup #chile #concentrationcamps #torture #murder #rape #chinese
china · henry · kissinger · meets,cd_min:7/18/2023,cd_max:7/20/2023
#news #china #kissinger
🇨🇳 Have the communists just enlisted Henry #Kissinger for geopolitical advice, after meeting #China’s defence minister (should've been the foreign minister Qin Gang - but he's vanished) in surprise visit to #Beijing?
Henry Kissinger meets with China’s defense minister in Beijing
Documentos desclasificados de EE.UU. registraron la génesis de la instrucción de Nixon para derrocar a Allende
#chile #golpedeestado #pinochet #allende #kissinger #cia
The plane has been "missing" for some decades, but you'll never guess where they found it.
In the USA!
Imagine that, a ruthless third world dictator's airplane was magically in the USA all this time.
The Crimes of Henry #Kissinger
I'm not even sure half an hour is enough time, for that subject, tho
"The most dangerous man in America"
(Judith Elrich & Rick Goldsmith. 2009)
A little tribute to Daniel Ellsberg who died friday at the age of 92.
He was the first ever #Whistleblower and by leaking the #PentagonPapers in 1971 he changed the course of #VietnamWar, no doubt.
War criminal Henry #Kissinger called #DanielEllsberg "the most dangerous man in America".
That's the title directors Judith Ehrlich and Rick Goldsmith chose for their 2009 #documentary on this genuine truth fighter.
#Whistleblower #pentagonpapers #vietnamwar #kissinger #danielellsberg #documentary