Happy anniversary to Culture Club’s single, “Do You Really Want To Hurt Me”. Released this week in 1982. #cultureclub #kissingtobeclever #boygeorge #doyoureallywanttohurtme
#cultureclub #kissingtobeclever #BoyGeorge #doyoureallywanttohurtme
Our end of the year wrap up continues. 40 years ago today, Culture Club released their debut album Kissing to Be Clever (1982) in the United States. #CultureClub #KissingtoBeClever #80s #80smusic
#80smusic #80s #kissingtobeclever #cultureclub
Our end of the year wrap up continues. 40 years ago today, Culture Club released their debut album Kissing to Be Clever (1982) in the United States. #CultureClub #KissingtoBeClever #80s #80smusic
#80smusic #80s #kissingtobeclever #cultureclub
Happy 40th anniversary to Culture Club’s single. “Time (Clock Of The Heart)”. Released this week in 1982. #cultureclub #boygeorge #timeclockoftgeheart #kissingtobeclever
#cultureclub #BoyGeorge #timeclockoftgeheart #kissingtobeclever