Svahila proverbo (142)
Daraja lililokuvusha usilitukane.
La ponto kiu vin trairigis ne insultu ĝin.
NdT: simile al la esperanta, la svahila lingvo havas sistemon de verbderivado.
Ekzemple: "kuruka" signifas trairi kaj "kurusha" signifas trairigi (= igi iun trairi)
#swahili #kiswahili #methalizakiswahili #esperanto #Kiesperanto #svahilaproverbaro #lang_eo
Svahila proverbo (140)
Ogopa ni ngao pia.
Timo estas ŝildo ankaŭ.
#swahili #kiswahili #methalizakiswahili #esperanto #Kiesperanto #svahilaproverbaro
Svahila proverbo (139)
Paka akiwa hakimu panya hawezi kushinda kesi.
Kiam kato estas juĝisto, muso ne povas venki kazon.
#swahili #kiswahili #methalizakiswahili #esperanto #Kiesperanto #svahilaproverbaro
Svahila proverbo (138)
Maneno fedha, majibu dhahabu.
La vortoj estas arĝento, la respondoj estas oro.
#swahili #kiswahili #methalizakiswahili #esperanto #Kiesperanto #svahilaproverbaro
Tiu loko aspektas bone por lerni swahili. Oni povas komenci per tre facila desegnrakonto, kiu havas nur kelkaj vortoj.
Ĉu ekzistas simbolo aŭ flago por svahilia lingvo? Mi volas montri ke mi interesiĝas pri la lingvon.
The #CommonVoice team is calling all #Kiswahili speakers, Voice Technologists and Data Scientists, to join them on February 24-25 for the Kiswahili Festival.
Come out and grow a diverse crowdsourced voice dataset! Plus, we're awarding KSH. 100,000🎉 😲
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Happy to work at a university where we have events like this one!
Join African Studies for
#KiSwahili Day
Thursday, February 16, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
HLS Atrium
More information:
#langtoot @languagelovers
Ok, apparently "open" and "key" share a root in #Kiswahili. That makes sense. #LanguageLearning
Both a blessing and a curse how I can relate some things in my home language to #kiswahili.
Ok I have skimmed a handful of profiles and think I'm ready to make #introduction draft 1.
Hi hi, I'm ⭐️ris (pronounce the star)!
I'm a 30-something year old #nonmonogamous #nonbinary person living approximately in #Seattle, #Washington in the USA.
I like fixing things whether that's #repair of stuff like furniture or vehicles or my friends' kids' toys, or #mending or altering clothes. I'm generally a #crafty dabbler into #DIY stuff. I've done knitting, crochet, embroidery, sewing, needle felting, cardboard construction, painting, digital illustration, carpentry, motorcycle and small engine repair, van/car maintenance... oh, and I like computer stuff too, it takes very little prompting to get me to make #spreadsheets for any given situation, and I've done a bit of programming in C, Python, and VBA for Microsoft office macros.
I used to be conversational in Deutsch and 日本語, na hata sasa naelewa #Kiswahili and lately I've been semi trying to learn Tiếng Việt
I like #boardgames , especially cooperative or puzzle games, and #TTRPG s (I don't have a class main, but I do tend to play faces). I like to play some video games too, mostly RPGS, #sims (including some NSFW ones) and The Sims.
I like the #Cosmere and I'm currently reading/enjoying #TheLockedTomb series and #TheUnwanteds I mostly watch #queer family-friendly cartoons like #StevenUniverse and #TOH #TheOwlHouse
Right now I'm trying to follow Nicodemus's advice* and follow a bunch of people and tags and see what's out there to figure out what I'm doing on this platform
#introduction #nonmonogamous #nonbinary #seattle #washington #repair #mending #crafty #diy #spreadsheets #kiswahili #boardgames #ttrpg #sims #cosmere #thelockedtomb #theunwanteds #queer #stevenuniverse #toh #theowlhouse
Ninapenda kujifunza #kiswahili kwa(?) Language Transfer. It's really good, I wish it had #Mandarin as well. I will definitely be using it for #spanish.
#kiswahili #mandarin #spanish #languagelearning
Waandishi wa Kiswahili kusanyikeni!
Dhihirisha ustadi wako wa uandishi ✍️ na umahiri wa #Kiswahili katika shindano letu la uandishi. #CommonVoice na @HekayaEA itatoa zawadi 3 bora za insha za USD $400, $250 na $100.
Jifunze zaidi ⬇️
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Kiswahili writers assemble!
Flex your pen prowess ✍️ and #Kiswahili mastery in our writing competition. #CommonVoice and @HekayaEA will award the top 3 best essays prizes of USD $400, $250, and $100. Learn more ⬇️
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Congratulations the three winners of our #CommonVoice #Kiswahili writing competition!
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Lernolibro de Esperanto en la svahila
Livre d’apprentissage de l’espéranto en swahili