Here's my #introduction to! I moved from to my own self hosted server then to here. The fun of maintaining the server wore off. Anyway my interests are:
#KitBuilding (currently QMX)
#Portable ham radio
digital modes like #ft8 #js8 #psk31
to name a few. I'll be posting mainly pics of POTA activations and kits I'm working on. Maybe some cats. I look forward to settling in to my new fedi-home!
#introduction #kitbuilding #3dprinting #3ddesign #pota #portable #ft8 #js8 #PSK31 #cwops #moresecode
Would someone like to help me spend money on some good solder?
I just ordered a the new QRP Labs QMX kit and I know from building the QCX Mini in Feburary that I'm going to run out of the solder I have before I can complete the QMX. I think I'd prefer something thinner, I had been using 0.8mm diameter, and to get a big spool that I can put in a desktop dispenser.
Hello Mastodon users. This looks a lot like discord.
My #Introduction
I really am involved in the hobby!
I look forward to the interactions with other users
#antennas #kitbuilding #dx #aprs #introduction
Judith Edge Hunslet 325hp 0-6-0DH 7mm progress. Resin details added and body filled etch primed
#JudithEdgeKits #MMRGUK #OGauge #BrassKits #Hunslet #7mm #ModelRailways #kitbuilding
#kitbuilding #ModelRailways #7mm #hunslet #brasskits #ogauge #mmrguk #judithedgekits
I’m fairly proud of the knob I came up with. Fits perfectly on the potentiometer shaft and has a nice feel to it. I’m not sure this is any improvement over the Dragonfly Red by itself but the end goal is to find a good amp design as the base to build the cross feed circuit on.
#diy #audio #audiophile #kitbuilding
New soldering kit. DSO 138 oscilloscope.
#soldering #kitbuilding #oscilloscope #dso138
Judith Edge Hunslet 325hp 0-6-0DH 7mm progress. Body almost complete. Cab roof shaped and soldered into place, rainstrips added over cabside windows. Horn in place (on long bonnet end), windscreen wipers added. Just need to make access door and cab door handles.
#JudithEdgeKits #OGauge #BrassKits #Hunslet #7mm #ModelRailways #kitbuilding #MMRGUK
#mmrguk #kitbuilding #ModelRailways #7mm #hunslet #brasskits #ogauge #judithedgekits
Judith Edge Hunslet 325hp 0-6-0DH 7mm progress. Body almost complete. Noses joined to cab via the eight locations pins and a soak of solder between cab and faceplates. Cab roof to shape. Window surrounds soldered into place. Body is not yet attached to footplate and a boil, dry and undercoat. Probably paint before attaching as lights need to be fitted and wiring done ready to wire into decoder.
#JudithEdgeKits #MMRGUK #OGauge #BrassKits #Hunslet #7mm #ModelRailways #kitbuilding
#kitbuilding #ModelRailways #7mm #hunslet #brasskits #ogauge #mmrguk #judithedgekits
Judith Edge Hunslet 325hp 0-6-0DH 7mm progress. Bonnet complete. Doors and grills soldered on whilst flat, 3mm bar rolled and end and face plates soldered in. Can't praise Michael Edge enough, delightful build.
#JudithEdgeKits #OGauge #BrassKits #Hunslet #7mm #ModelRailways #kitbuilding #mmrguk
#mmrguk #kitbuilding #ModelRailways #7mm #hunslet #brasskits #ogauge #judithedgekits
WW0CJ/M7WCJ/ZF2CJ reporting in.
University student studying electrical engineering.
Radio(-adjacent) interests include #HF, #Contesting, #POTA, #3dPrinting, #DXCC, #QRP, #KitBuilding, and a ton more.
I post non-radio stuff @roguefoam - and more hobby stuff on Instagram @roguefoam574. Formerly on, that account will be "defunct" for now.
Would love to chat about anything radio/electronics/hobby related!
#introduction #HF #contesting #pota #3dprinting #DXCC #qrp #kitbuilding
My build’s coming right along! I’ll be installing the TCXO module next. I’m also wondering if now’s a good time to install the AGC module or if I should wait until after installing C24 right below it.
Working on T1. Nine down, thirty more turns to go!
#Building the #MPC 22 inch long “#Eagle” #Transporter from #Space1999
#EagleTransporter #Model #Kit #KitModel #ModelKit #Spaceship #ScaleModel #KitBuilding #ITVSeries #BritishTelevision #BritishTV #SciFiTYV #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Moon #TheMoon #Moonbase #MoonbaseAlpha #1999 #MPC825 #MPCModels #MPCKit #MPCKits
#mpckits #mpckit #mpcmodels #mpc825 #MoonbaseAlpha #moonbase #themoon #moon #sciencefiction #scifi #scifityv #britishtv #BritishTelevision #itvseries #kitbuilding #scalemodel #spaceship #modelkit #kitmodel #kit #model #eagletransporter #space1999 #Transporter #eagle #mpc #building
It’s new radio day! My QCX-mini has arrived and is now waiting to be built! This will be my first radio kit, any tips from other kit builders? I guess step one is to clear a work space. :alex_laugh:
#morsecode #radio #qcxmini #kitbuilding
All the smoke stayed in the QDX! If only I had an antenna at home to test it out.
I had to get a little creative for the case. #HamRadio #kitbuilding #qrplabs #QDX #workbench #qrp
#qrp #workbench #qdx #qrplabs #kitbuilding #hamradio
Going to start the QDX kit this week. Should I build the 12v or 9v version? 12v seems more versatile since that's pretty standard for most DC. 9v would be an ultra portable option. #HamRadio #KitBuilding
Good news is, I suppose, it looks like the trace for that connection is on the bottom of the board, which appeared undamaged.
So perhaps I have a configuration issue, and not physical damage to the board to contend with.
Argh! I am nearly done with the #QDX build but I have found my mistake - I accidentally put one of the capacitors in the wrong set of holes! (C14 in the antenna shield/center pin, for those familiar with the kit).
So I will now need to lay hands on a hot air re-work station, and probably source a couple replacement caps since I doubt I'll be re-using the one I made the mistake on. So close to completion!
#qdx #electronics #kitbuilding
Back at the QDX project, and the toroid I put off last night? Easy peasy after some sleep. Onward!
#qdx #qrplabs #electronics #HamRadio #kitbuilding