BlingoAli · @blingoali
19 followers · 302 posts · Server

Forgive me, fellow lovers, but I have strayed from the path.

After two years squatting in a friend's garage and then a couple of months waiting for a replacement for the 34 year-old distributor, my has just been for a run! Only a 26-mile round trip to top up with fresh V-Power but…

Is there anything (affordable) that beats the sound and feel of a 1380 A-series gargling petrol at 6000 rpm as you pull for fourth?

She's been with us 34 years. We'll never sell her.

#ev #kitcar #midasgold #cars

Last updated 1 year ago

Elaine Anderson · @chipati
254 followers · 1543 posts · Server

Weird Marketplace Find of the Day. King Midget Micro Car. I think this is so interesting and unique. "The King Midget was a micro car produced between 1946 and 1970 by the Midget Motors Corporation. The King Midget company started out by offering a kit to build a car, but soon added completely assembled cars and later only offered completed cars."

#weirdmarketplace #automobile #car #kingmidget #microcar #kitcar #retro

Last updated 2 years ago

Steph · @steverocky
134 followers · 369 posts · Server

How things change.... one of my kids is building a track car.... short of a few key components he phoned his brother and got them printed in glass reinforced plastic on his 3-D printer.


Last updated 2 years ago

GenXMusicLover · @GenXMusicLover
106 followers · 336 posts · Server