So why is the TRADITIONAL culinary usage of a plant unfeasible and basically never used in the cultures native to the plants hemisphere?
Because culinary practices are rooted deeply in colonialism. #colonialism #food #culinary #chefmode #kitchenthoughts
#colonialism #food #culinary #chefmode #kitchenthoughts
Kneading bread is basically the John Carpenter Movies of cooking. #KitchenThoughts
Mustard update
I'm coming to the conclusion that changing the seeds, when making prepared mustard, has little bearing on the resulting taste. The type of acid used and other additives, like turmeric, have much more flavour impact.
I will continue testing. 😃
#mustard #kitchenthoughts #food
Why do you call it an Omelette? Isn't it really more of an Ovulette?
#kitchenthoughts #showerthoughts #icookinmyshower #sorrynotsorry #idroppedmyspatula #stillnotsorry
#kitchenthoughts #showerthoughts #icookinmyshower #sorrynotsorry #idroppedmyspatula #stillnotsorry