The #kitteas and I have seen a few neighborhood cats come around for a brief visit, but none have been so chill as this one.
They hung out in our driveway for a good chunk of time this early morning, as if waiting patiently for someone. Even upon seeing me and Pekoe & Grey (who were quite flustered), they didn't scurry away. In fact, they drew closer to the window, as if to get a better look.
Time for that post-dinner nap
Time for annual checkups, vaccinations, and rabies shots.
#kitteas #catsofmastodon #caturday
Pekoe contorted herself into a questionably comfortable position in the cat tower, and now she looks like an emo album cover.
🎶 Sometimes I'm alone
Sometimes I'm not
Sometimes I'm alone
Hello? 🎶
July 17, 2020: Earl Grey likes to play fetch. Sometimes.
July 16, 2019: I had too much fun with this. The kittens had less fun.
🔊 🔊
#holdyourcatlikesimbaday #kitteas #catsofmastodon
June 24, 2019. The ever dignified Lord Earl Grey.
Whenever he sits like this, we call it "dude-in' out."
#kitteas #catsofmastodon #caturday
Poor Earl Grey.
Last week, he was snoozing in my lap, perfectly comfy. On TV, a police officer was trying to catch a stray dog that had been running in traffic. The cop decided to lure the dog by shaking a bag of jerky bites, calling "Come get some treats! Treats! Come get a treat!"
Unfortunately, "treats" is a word Grey is VERY familiar with.
#kitteas #catsofmastodon #oplive
I almost forgot, it's National Kitten Day! My furballs are all grown up now, but here's a video from when they were about three months old. And Earl Grey still hollers like this when he's hungry. 🙄
I love my #kitTeas, but thanks to them, all that is left of my plants are two succulents and a dying bromeliad. I brought this fake plant into my bedroom, to give the space some life and greenery. The cats have even tried to eat *that* and then promptly throw it back up. It is now surrounded by foil, which makes it look *so* fancy. ✨ 💅
They've got us wrapped around their little paws. ♥
(Don't mind the dryer in the background)
#caturday #catsofmastodon
#kitteas #caturday #catsofmastodon
National Hug Your Cat Day!
Pekoe is keeping an eye on this porch pirate to make sure they don't take off with our valuables!
#kitteas #guardcat #catsofmastodon
From 2020. Wow, you'd almost think they actually like each other and *don't* try to kill one another at least twice daily.
2020. Lord Earl Grey is our chatty kitty (especially around meal times).
2019. They were only a few months old. And it was the last time I saw them be nice to each other 🙄
#kitteas #catsofmastodon