Grab the family, get some folding chairs, and head down to the the 45th annual Fourth of July Parade. We have everything you need to know before you go, including a link to download the official July 4th Parade program listing all entries.
#aci #amp #arpd #parade #alameda #exelius #july4th #AlamedaPost #BankOfMarin #KiwanisClub #UsCoastGuard #CityOfAlameda #AlamedaBicycle #AlamedaFoodBank #IndependenceDay #SpeedProImaging #FriendsOfTheParks #JimsHomestyleCooking
#aci #amp #arpd #Parade #alameda #exelius #july4th #alamedapost #bankofmarin #kiwanisclub #uscoastguard #cityofalameda #alamedabicycle #alamedafoodbank #independenceday #speedproimaging #friendsoftheparks #jimshomestylecooking
At the June 7 Kiwanis Club of Alameda meeting, seven stellar graduates were awarded exceptionally competitive scholarships based on academics, leadership, financial need, community service, and extracurricular activities.
#alameda #college #graduates #KiwanisClub #scholarships #AlamedaKiwanisFoundation
#alameda #college #graduates #kiwanisclub #scholarships #alamedakiwanisfoundation
The Kiwanis Club celebrates seven extraordinary Alameda eighth graders who received the 2023 Hope of America award for leadership.
#alameda #KiwanisClub #HopeOfAmericaAward #AlamedaKiwanisFoundation #AlamedaMayorMarilynEzzyAshcraft
#alameda #kiwanisclub #hopeofamericaaward #alamedakiwanisfoundation #alamedamayormarilynezzyashcraft
The Alameda Islanders bring home the gold—and the silver! The Islanders claimed 13 gold medals and 4 silver medals at the Special Olympics Northern California Swimming Regional on May 13.
#alameda #KiwanisClub #SpecialOlympics #AlamedaIslanders #AlamedaFireDepartment #AlamedaKiwanisFoundation #SpecialOlympicsNorthernCalifornia #SpecialOlympicsNorthernCaliforniaSwimmingRegional
#alameda #kiwanisclub #specialolympics #alamedaislanders #alamedafiredepartment #alamedakiwanisfoundation #specialolympicsnortherncalifornia #specialolympicsnortherncaliforniaswimmingregional
The Alameda Kiwanis Club invites all of Alameda to help celebrate its 100th anniversary on May 3 at the Alameda Elks Lodge Ballroom.
#alameda #100years #anniversary #kiwanisclub #scholarships
To celebrate 100 years of service in Alameda, the Kiwanis Foundation is awarding $100,000 to graduating seniors at Alameda high schools. Seven distinct scholarships are available, and students may use a single application to apply for all of the scholarships at once.
#alameda #college #tuition #HighSchool #KiwanisClub #scholarships #AlamedaKiwanisFoundation
#alameda #college #tuition #highschool #kiwanisclub #scholarships #alamedakiwanisfoundation
Dear Andover Families,
This month Andover’s K-kids will be participating in the Ton of Tuna drive. We will be pairing up with our sponsoring Kiwanis Club, East Orange County Kiwanis, to collect cans or foil packets of Tuna. All of the tuna collected will be benefitting local food banks. We will be collecting tuna from now until April 28, 2023.
Thank you for your help and donations.
#kiwanis #kiwanisclub #tuna #donate #ocps #giveback