For KiwiRPG week, I have a one-day discount on The Natural Philosophers, today!
This game has you create a notebook of the discoveries your character makes, to remain as a memento of play.
#KiwiRPG week has officially begun! We'll be celebrating work in the tabletop space from all around Aotearoa until the 18th of June.
The second annual KiwiRPG Week will be held from June 10th to 18th, 2023 #KiwiRPG
KiwiRPG week 2023 is coming up!
Check out the scheduled stuff here:
Attention Kiwi TRPG creators! #KiwiRPG is now accepting members:
#ttrpg #gamedesign #podcast #streaming #ap #actualplay #rpgtheory
We're having an organisational hui this weekend, so apply now if you want to be part of that!
#kiwirpg #ttrpg #gamedesign #podcast #streaming #ap #actualplay #RPGtheory
Check out this new kickstarter from another Aotearoa/New Zealand designer:
Procedural buddy-cop mysteries in a fantasy city. Looks great!
Just finished with the first #KiwiRPG hui, making plans for collaboration and cooperation amongst local roleplaying creatives (designers, streamers, and others).
Filled with positive vibes!
If you're interested in what's going on down here, see