Family of unarmed man tasered by #police seeks compensation
:acab: :acab2: :acabkitty: :clowncop: :nocops: :pig_cop: :txt_eff_the_cops:
#wapol #wagov #kevinspratt #westernaustralia #australia #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #kkkop #kkkops #copsandklangohandinhand #acab
#police #wapol #wagov #kevinspratt #WesternAustralia #australia #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #kkkop #kkkops #CopsAndKlanGoHandInHand #acab
#Fascist Senior Constable Jay #Maleckas resigns from the #NSW #Police after assaulting Steve #McIvor
#australia #ausgov #politas #classwar #nswpol #nswgov #kkkops #kkkop
#Fascist #maleckas #nsw #police #mcivor #australia #AusGov #politas #classwar #nswpol #nswgov #kkkops #kkkop
#All kkkops are #bastards! :acab: :acab2: :clowncop: :nocops: :pig_cop: :txt_eff_the_cops:
#ausgov #politas #AllCopsAreBastards #australia #AustraliaPolitics #australiapolice #police #kkkops #kkkop #acab #ftp
#all #bastards #AusGov #politas #AllCopsAreBastards #australia #australiapolitics #australiapolice #police #kkkops #kkkop #acab #ftp
Another #day, another #kkkop gets away with very nearly beating an #Indigenous #teen to death.
#WARNING: This #story #contains #graphic #images.
"There are calls for calm in the city of #Memphis, #Tennessee, after the release of a #video showing an #altercation which #resulted in the #death of #TyreNichols.
#Charges against the #five #police #officers were announced yesterday, ahead of the video's release. North #America correspondent Barbara Miller reports from #Washington."
#acab #AllCopsAreBastards #kkkops #kkkopsAndKlan #kkkop #fascism #statism #unitedstates #AllCopsLie #AllCopsAreBad #AllCopsAreRats #allcopsareevil #AllCopsAreRacist #AllCopsAreCowards #AllCopsAreKillers #AllCopsAreGroomers #allcopsarederekchauvin #humanrightsnow #humanrightslaw #humanrights #imperialism #policebastard #capitalism
#warning #story #contains #graphic #images #memphis #tennessee #Video #altercation #resulted #death #tyrenichols #charges #five #police #officers #america #washington #acab #AllCopsAreBastards #kkkops #kkkopsAndKlan #kkkop #fascism #statism #unitedstates #AllCopsLie #AllCopsAreBad #AllCopsAreRats #allcopsareevil #allcopsareracist #AllCopsAreCowards #AllCopsAreKillers #allcopsaregroomers #allcopsarederekchauvin #humanrightsnow #humanrightslaw #humanrights #imperialism #policebastard #capitalism