@PYMundGenealogy , something that I love <3
In 1976, the #Lubavitcher Rebbe added the #mitzvah of Ahavat Yisrael (love for a fellow Jew) to his mitzvah campaign - a shortlist of practical actions he proposed with the goal of encouraging every Jew, regardless of his or her degree of religious observance, to do a G‑dly deed.
#lubavitcher #mitzvah #klalyisrael #Jewishcommunity
Jewish sisters and brothers, in a world where extremists on the right chant “Jews will not replace us” – and extremists on the left chant “globalize the intifada” - we must remember that Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Bazeh. All of Israel Are Responsible for One Another. (Talmud Bavli, Shevuot 39a)
Reform, Orthodox, Sephardic, and Conservative Jews need to reach out to each other with love, support, and understanding. We should want to find ways to work #together.
#Together #Jewishcommunity #klalyisrael #achdut
Here is our mission statement. Yes, for years some on the far Left or Right called us heretics or worse. But our mission statement represents mainstream ideas of most Jews (esp. of those not usually on social media.) We have our differences, sure, we don't all agree on everything. But we say yes to Ahavat Yisrael. We are stronger when we learn #Torah together and support each other's communities. We love Jews whether Orthodox or Reform.
Here we see Conservative, Reform and Orthodox Jews studying #Torah and #mussar together in Brookline, Massachusetts. We can encourage our local community leaders to do the same -Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, Maimonides, Mussar, are our common inheritance. Opportunities for cooperation, spirituality, Talmud Torah, and communal strength.
#Mazeldon #Jewish #Judaism #Jews #klalyisrael
#torah #mussar #Mazeldon #jewish #judaism #jews #klalyisrael
How we can rebuilt Jewish unity?
On several occasions rabbis in Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism worked to heal rifts in the Jewish community.
If more people know about these enterprises, it may inspire our own generation to help restore Jewish unity.
Do you know of any interdenominatial cooperation?
#unity #Achdut #Jewish #Jews #Judaism #cooperation #klalyisrael
#unity #achdut #jewish #jews #judaism #cooperation #klalyisrael