William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
2256 followers · 10157 posts · Server toad.social

Diana Butler Bass comments on Timothy Egan's book A Fever in the the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan’s Plot to Take Over America, and the Woman Who Stopped Them. One thing stood out as she read it:

"It reveals how easily white pastors and churches were enlisted by the Klan, and that 'goo'” Protestant church people knowingly — and willingly — chose to hate their Black, Jewish, and Catholic neighbors."


#kkk #klan #bigotry #churches #christianity

Last updated 1 year ago

Mark Twain's Ghost 👻 · @debasisg
353 followers · 1112 posts · Server mstdn.social

[The Washington Post] Justice Dept. pushes back against Trump’s bid for a 2026 trial in D.C.


The hope is that a Republican president will erase all the wrong doings and terrorism by .

The troubling fact is that it is very probable.

#klan #Trump

Last updated 1 year ago

A goat :verified: · @nus
668 followers · 8555 posts · Server mstdn.social

@MrCooper @big_louse Every time one of you clowns misrepresents , I dig deeper.

founder asks Cornel West to name an American

West: "There's a spiritual fascism inside all of us... as a I see it inside of myself"

: "The were Democrats"

West: "Yes, they were"

[As if MLK had no idea of that history of Dems]

#klan #candaceowens #christian #fascist #gavinmcinnes #hategroup #proudboys #cornelwest

Last updated 1 year ago

CrazyIT · @CrazyIT
16 followers · 353 posts · Server freiburg.social

Was meint Herr mit „keine vergleichbaren Strukturen der wie in anderen Ländern“ oder in der EU oder…? Der Typ. Ein echter

#Strobl #klan #kriminalitat #bundeslander #lander #politiker

Last updated 1 year ago

Fahrenheit · @fahrenheit
21 followers · 221 posts · Server f-t.net.pl

451 Fahrenheita:
»26 lat z Wami!«

Pierwszy numer Fahrenheita pojawił się w sieci na przełomie maja i czerwca 1997 roku. Mniej więcej w tym samym czasie wyemitowano pierwszy odcinek serialu Klan, wydano Harry'ego Pottera, a gra Diablo trafiła do sprzedaży w Polsce. A potem przyszła powódź tysiąclecia. Przypadek?
A Wy, Drodzy Czytelnicy, byliście z nami od początku, dołączyliście później? Jakie są Wasze pierwsze wspomnienia związane z Fahrenheitem?

#fahrenheit_zin #diablo #fahrenheit #harrypotter #klan

Last updated 1 year ago

Fahrenheit · @fahrenheit
21 followers · 220 posts · Server f-t.net.pl

451 Fahrenheita:
»26 lat z Wami!«

Pierwszy numer Fahrenheita pojawił się w sieci na przełomie maja i czerwca 1997 roku. Mniej więcej w tym samym czasie wyemitowano pierwszy odcinek serialu Klan, wydano Harry'ego Pottera, a gra Diablo trafiła do sprzedaży w Polsce. A potem przyszła powódź tysiąclecia. Przypadek?
A Wy, Drodzy Czytelnicy, byliście z nami od początku, dołączyliście później? Jakie są Wasze pierwsze wspomnienia związane z Fahrenheitem?

#fahrenheit_zin #diablo #fahrenheit #harrypotter #klan

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1305 followers · 2937 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History May 31, 1921: The Tulsa Race Riot. From May 31 through June 1, deputized whites killed more than 300 African Americans in the worst race riot in U.S. history. The violence began in response to a false report in the Tulsa Tribune accusing a black man of attacking a white girl in an elevator. The headline made the front page. However, there was an accompanying editorial that called for a lynching. White Tulsans went to the African American community of Greenwood (the Black Wall Street) and started shooting black people. They looted and burned 40 square blocks, destroying over 1,400 African American homes, hospitals, schools, and churches. Ten thousand became homeless and had to spend the winter of 1921 living in tents.

Many African American residents fought back, including veterans of World War One. This attempt at self-preservation prompted the deputized whites and National Guardsmen to arrest 6,000 black residents. Furthermore, they bombarded the community from the air in what was likely the first aerial bombardment of mainland U.S. residents. At least a dozen planes, some carrying police, circled the community and dropped burning balls of turpentine. They also shot at residents from the air. Many of the whites were members of the Klan, such as W. Tate Brady, who had also participated in the tarring and feathering of members of the Industrial Workers of the World in 1917.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #TulsaMassacre #Riot #racism #pogrom #IWW #police #policebrutality #massacre #greenwood #blackwallstreet #kkk #klan

Last updated 1 year ago

Tatortreiniger · @fairlieben
73 followers · 507 posts · Server troet.cafe
GKeller · @gkeller
216 followers · 637 posts · Server toot.community
The Many Voices🎙️ · @TheManyVoices
140 followers · 266 posts · Server opalstack.social

More celebration of .🧵

From June to July of 1946, battled the in real life, on the .

Stetson Kennedy, a writer for the show, went undercover & collected intel on the . He exposed their rituals, bigotry, codewords, & corruption by incorporating it all into the show. This devastated the group's membership, and humiliated its members.


#supermanday #superman #klan #radio #otr #kkk #superman85 #dccomics #dcu #dceu #kukluxklan #supermansmashestheklan #clanofthefierycross

Last updated 2 years ago

dustcircle :verified: · @dustcircle
165 followers · 4724 posts · Server masto.ai
Bongolian · @Bongolian
198 followers · 2376 posts · Server universeodon.com

Timothy Egan: What we can learn from the Midwestern war against the 100 years ago

"Resistance to the Klan is part of our history, too. In , some Hoosiers — two rabbis, an African American publisher born enslaved, a fearless Irish Catholic lawyer and single woman without money or power — were heroic in the face of threats to their lives.

Stephenson, Indiana’s grand dragon, was a violent sex predator who’d gotten away with rape and assault for years because he felt invincible. What finally brought him down was one of his victims, Madge Oberholtzer, whose words in a court of law marked the beginning of the end of the Klan at its most powerful. Membership cratered after similar scandals showed the vile and criminal character of Klan leaders."


#klan #indiana #kkk #ushistory

Last updated 2 years ago

Gingerale · @gingerale
31 followers · 877 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Kriminelle .s gehören in Abschiebehaft. Diese haben sich schlecht über mehrere Generationen in Deutschland integriert und wollen es auch nicht. Am besten in "sichere Staaten" wie Afghanistan abschieben. @bmi

Neonazi-Verhaftung: Kann Colditz jetzt aufatmen? app.mdr.de/mdr-sachsen/video/v

#nazi #klan #kartoffelpunsch #auslanderbehorde

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1665 followers · 816 posts · Server universeodon.com

@rejinl @Renegade_GDI @jeber @paulisci
My mother was born in 1922. She told us how she once saw a cross burning in the yard of someone in their suburban Chicago town of Bensenville. She assumed it was the , but didn't understand why that family had a cross burning in their yard, because the family was not black. Only years later, when I went through the list with her of groups the Klan hates, did she realize that the family's CATHOLIC faith was the reason for the cross burning.

She once rode a bus across the Mason-Dixon line. The bus driver stopped at the state line & told everyone to change seats (so blacks would be in the back of the bus). No one asked or argued the sudden change, they just did it.

My mom said that people didn't think to argue with authority then, the way they did post-1960. You just accepted that was the way the world is, & didn't argue with people in authority (like policemen, teachers, doctors, or even bus drivers).

#klan #racism #history #kkk #segregation

Last updated 2 years ago

Georgiann Baldino · @obtener
83 followers · 712 posts · Server mastodon.world

Courtesy of History News Network historynewsnetwork.org/blog/15
"Using violence, terror, intimidation, and murder, whites and the newly formed put the genie of Reconstruction back in the bottle."


Last updated 2 years ago

Nonilex · @Nonilex
395 followers · 1144 posts · Server masto.ai

Now it has weighed in. “Presidents may at times use strong rhetoric. And some who hear that rhetoric may overreact, or even respond with violence,” the Dept attys said, referencing a concern raised at oral argument. They suggested looking to another -inspired court case — the 1969 ruling that speech “directed at inciting or producing imminent lawless action” or “likely to incite or produce such action” is not protected by the First Amendment.

#justice #klan #doj #trump #incitement #biglie

Last updated 2 years ago

Piousunyn · @Piousunyn
291 followers · 7783 posts · Server universeodon.com


Klanbert covers more than a cartoon character, are when one does them them goose stepping US to

#republicans #klan #gopers #nazi #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
660 followers · 1104 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History January 30, 1956: Klansmen bombed the home of Martin Luther King Jr in retaliation for the Montgomery bus boycott. No one died in the bombing. However, the explosion destroyed the King’s porch and blasted out windows. At the time of the bombing, King was giving a speech at the Montgomery Improvement Association at Rev. Ralph Abernathy’s First Baptist Church. No one was ever indicted or convicted for the bombing. The authorities did indict King, and 80 other activists, for “interfering with business,” during the bus boycott and demonstrations.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #rosaparks #mlk #MartinLutherKing #montgomery #boycott #racism #bombing #kkk #klan

Last updated 2 years ago

Jos Spaansen · @spaansen
28 followers · 98 posts · Server mastodon.social

Als de fascist Martin even racistisch noemt als de Ku Klux en de zegt dat dit niet kan maar laat ze zich overbluffen omdat ze niet durft door te pakken. (U neemt dit terug, anders moet ik u het woord ontnemen) De fascist komt er mee weg en vervolgt met een misselijke grap ( zijn beter gekleed dan D66).

#bosman #d66 #klan #voorzitter #Bergkamp #kkk

Last updated 2 years ago

CoffeeTumbler · @CoffeeTumbler
11 followers · 57 posts · Server social.snorklr.com

“ it appears that Guston’s paintings and drawings featuring hooded figures evoking the Ku Klux were the issue. Guston’s images of first appeared in the early 1930s and were prompted later by the civil unrest of the 1960s, when he elucidated the motivation for creating the figures: “The idea of evil fascinated me . . . I almost tried to imagine that I was living with the Klan. What would it be like to be evil?” Pt 2 Https://news.artnet.com/art-wo

#klan #klansmen

Last updated 2 years ago