KlebPhaCol, a barrier-free, #opensource and expandable #Klebsiella #phage and strain collection for your research. #KlebPhaCol currently contains 52 phages and >24 strains to request, use and share!
#opensource #klebsiella #phage #klebphacol
πΊπ¦ Ukraine war victims: The unexpectedly high levels of resistance in #Klebsiella pneumoniae are a cause for great worry
π Scientists from Lund University in Sweden collaborated with microbiologists in Ukraine to investigate bacterial resistance in war-wounded patients treated in hospitals. The findings indicate that a significant number of patients were afflicted with bacteria displaying an exceptionally high level of #antibiotic #resistance.
#klebsiella #antibiotic #resistance
The April issue of The Lancet Microbe is now online:
The journal is #OpenAccess, so you are free to explore all of their content, but these hashtags offer a flavour:
#SARSCoV2 #Vibrio #cholera #Neisseria #gonorrhoea #gonorrhea #ESBL #Klebsiella #AMR #colistin #OneHealth #Mpox
#mpox #onehealth #colistin #AMR #klebsiella #esbl #gonorrhea #gonorrhoea #neisseria #cholera #vibrio #SarsCoV2 #openaccess
Cross-protection and cross-feeding between #Klebsiella pneumoniae and #Acinetobacter baumannii promotes their co-existence | Nature Communications
New research article in The Lancet Microbe>
Evidence of widespread endemic populations of highly multidrug resistant #Klebsiella pneumoniae in hospital settings in Hanoi, #Vietnam: a prospective cohort study
#kpc #esbl #kpneumoniae #AMR #vietnam #klebsiella
#Genetic determinants of host tropism in #Klebsiella #phages: Cell Reports
Genetic determinants of host tropism in Klebsiella phages https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(23)00059-1?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2211124723000591%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
- #capsule is a major determinant of host tropism in #Klebsiella #phages.
Nice study.
Since the outbreak of the #war in #Ukraine, certain hospital #pathogens that are #resistant to many #antibiotics have been detected much more frequently in #German #hospitals. The pathogen #Klebsiella #pneumoniae is also resistant to the reserve antibiotics of #carbapenems due to a combination of two #enzymes.
#Microbiology #Medical #sflorg
#war #ukraine #pathogens #resistant #antibiotics #german #hospitals #klebsiella #pneumoniae #carbapenems #enzymes #microbiology #medical #sflorg
Definitely a team effort to get this one out. :)
We've isolated a novel phage that can disrupt established biofilms ... but it doesn't encode a depolymerase or exhibit depolymerase activity. I think this one is going to keep us busy for a long time.
Phage vB_KmiS-Kmi2C infects members of the Klebsiella oxytoca complex and represents a novel genus of lytic bacteriophage https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.01.12.523727v1
#Klebsiella #phage #biofilms #Klebsiellaoxytoca #Klebsiellamichiganensis
#klebsiella #phage #biofilms #klebsiellaoxytoca #klebsiellamichiganensis
news article:
Phage combination therapy can precisely target IBD-related gut bacteria without harming helpful microbes https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/08/220804130558.htm
#GutMicrobiome #Klebsiella #IBD
#bacteriophage #PhageTherapy
#gastrodon #MedMastodon
#gutmicrobiome #klebsiella #IBD #bacteriophage #phagetherapy #Gastrodon #MedMastodon #Science
New correspondence in The Lancet Microbe> Dissemination of the mobilised RND efflux pump gene cluster tmexCD-toprJ among #Klebsiella pneumoniae https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(22)00325-1/fulltext #AMR
Fully-Funded PhD Studentship available in my research team.
High-throughput approaches to develop novel therapies for the treatment of veterinary and clinical infections.
#onehealth #klebsiella #phages #genomics