Genocide and epidemics killed so many indigenous people in the century after Columbus, that the forests that grew on all their abandoned farms absorbed so much CO2 that the resulting cooling plunged the world into the Little Ice Age."
— @AlexSteffen
#jackpot #klept #covid #covid19 #climate #calvinism #capitalism #collapse
#jackpot #klept #COVID #COVID19 #climate #calvinism #capitalism #collapse #richpeoplekillusformoney
Genocide and epidemics killed so many indigenous people in the century after Columbus, that the forests that grew on all their abandoned farms absorbed so much CO2 that the resulting cooling plunged the world into the Little Ice Age."
"Rich people kill us for money."
— SusanOfTexas
#jackpot #klept #covid #covid19 #climate #calvinism #capitalism #collapse
#jackpot #klept #COVID #COVID19 #climate #calvinism #capitalism #collapse
GDTheme: KleptWatch
"The most striking thing about the rich is the gracious democracy of their manners—and the crude vulgarity of their way of life."
— Edward Abbey
GDTheme: KleptWatch
via: @breadandcircuses
BREAKING -- We have obtained a quote from the keynote speech at the World Economic Forum being held at Davos.
GDTheme: KleptWatch
Lots of stories this week about how the Davos billionaires are using all the Covid mitigations the rest of us, somehow, are not.
My contribution then is this from last September, about how American Covid-19 leadership is concentrated in Massachusetts.
Concerned parents Ashish Jha and Rochelle Walensky both live in Newton, MA.
Where all the children's schoolplace Covid protections are well above average.
GDTheme: KleptWatch
"Not one of the names of the powerful white men who committed crimes with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell has seen the light of day."
GDTheme: KleptWatch
Debt-Ridden 4th-Grader Shouldn’t Have Recklessly Invested In Lunch
SAN ANTONIO—Saying a series of fiscally irresponsible decisions had led to the local 10-year-old’s present insolvency, top financial analysts stated Tuesday that debt-ridden fourth-grader Daniel Brown should have stopped himself from recklessly investing in so many school lunches.
"financially carelessness children often learn from the example set by their parents"
GDTheme: KleptWatch
"The biggest lie the US public ever bought into about public transportation - busses, subways, trains, is that should be a profitable service. They're not a profitable service, they're public infrastructure.
Aside from toll roads (which are a regressive tax on the poor and should be eliminated), we don't expect our roads or sidewalks to earn a profit. They're simply a utility that is granted to the public because you live there."
@rbreich Because they're about *control* - keep them uppity women and uppity BIPOC folks under control. They don't give a rat's ass about poor people. They use family values as a way to coopt people who actually *do* care about families into voting to keep their #klept asses in power.
@TheTraveler @ebk @GalactiCamille @pirotekniks I've never liked that usage of fucked. I mean, I like fucking. Fucking is great fun.
#klept is great, to me, cuz it's actually accurate - the #kleptocracy wants to keep us fighting for the crumbs while they consolidate money and power for themselves. Makes way lots of sense to me.
My perspective, to be clear, is that the American major parties are the Good Cop, Bad Cop wings of the American klept.
But this was a fun surprise to find, while looking to see if anyone else was using the hashtag.
GalactiCamille: Je crois qu'en fait "woke" c'est le nouveau nom donné à la gauche par la droite.
Du coup je propose qu'on appelle la droite "slept".
pirotekniks: reprenons plutôt le terme inventé par @GreatDismal : la droite #klept
@GalactiCamille: I believe that in fact "woke" is the new name given to the left by the right.
So I propose that we call the right "slept".
@pirotekniks: let's use the term invented by @GreatDismal instead: the right #klept
GDTheme: KleptWatch
Robert Reich is one of those name-brand accounts I typically decline to give any oxygen to. But, he remains energetic in efforts to atone for having served both Clinton and Reagan. Who knows. Here's my Robert Reich boost for 2023:
"The next time you hear Republicans in Congress complain about increased IRS funding, remember that the richest 1 percent of Americans evade $163 billion in taxes each year. That’s who the GOP is protecting."
GDTheme: KleptWatch
Ash, to Flynne, explaining the jackpot's "museum, of sorts":
"Even now they're still *arguing* over when it technically began.
This is the moment commonly pinpointed as the Age of The Klept. After which, there is no turning back. The jackpot was unstoppable."
(Not the best written monologue an Amazon series has ever produced. But, it is a difficult subject.)
#ThePeripheral #jackpot #klept
GDTheme: KleptWatch
This is the year, folks. I know some of y’all are already there.
GDTheme: KleptWatch
Sure, I looked into the abyss. But I ended up going with the urban luxury oasis.
GDTheme: KleptWatch
From Current Affairs' The Dangerous Ideas of “Longtermism” and “Existential Risk”
"By reducing morality to an abstract numbers game, and by declaring that what’s most important is fulfilling “our potential” by becoming simulated posthumans among the stars, longtermists not only trivialize past atrocities like WWII (and the Holocaust) but give themselves a “moral excuse” to dismiss or minimize comparable atrocities in the future."
Global Dark Theme: KleptWatch
"Whatever we may 'owe the future,' it isn't a bizarre and dangerous ideology fueled by eugenics and capitalism."
"Longtermism ... asserts that there could be so many digital people living in vast computer simulations millions or billions of years in the future that one of our most important moral obligations today is to take actions that ensure as many of these digital people come into existence as possible."