To everyone who ever belittled you and your climate awareness 💚
#climateaction #climatecrisis #globalwarming #ecoparalysis #climateanxiety #climatejustice #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #stoppollution #sustainablefuture #planetoverprofit #changeiscoming #gretathunberg #fridaysforfuture #climateactivism #ecoanxiety #environmentalism #greendreamer #grønomstilling #klimatosse #bæredygtighed #savetheplanet #klimaschutz #climateawareness #climateapathy
#climateaction #ClimateCrisis #globalwarming #ecoparalysis #climateanxiety #climatejustice #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #stoppollution #sustainablefuture #planetoverprofit #changeiscoming #gretathunberg #fridaysforfuture #climateactivism #ecoanxiety #environmentalism #GreenDreamer #gronomstilling #klimatosse #bæredygtighed #savetheplanet #klimaschutz #climateawareness #climateapathy
Last night in Copenhagen 🖤 I tried out some of my ninging about living a simpler life and doing more to move us towards a greener future 💚 Looking forward to sharing more songs and live gigs soon, send me a DM for more 🤠✌🏻💚🎸
#livemusic #greendreamer #climateactivism #sustainablefuture #singersongwriters #troubadour #soloartist #climatechange #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #danskmusik #musikdk #københavn #klimatosse #treehugger #simpleliving #indiefolkmusic #folksinger
#livemusic #GreenDreamer #climateactivism #sustainablefuture #singersongwriters #troubadour #soloartist #climatechange #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #danskmusik #musikdk #kobenhavn #klimatosse #TreeHugger #simpleliving #indiefolkmusic #FolkSinger
Jamen tillykke til alle virksomheder “med mineralogiske processer”. Det er godt nok vildt. Ikke siden Tvind loven har jeg set en politiker forsøge at ramme så selektivt… #klimatosse