Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Looks Like Amy Klobuchar Found Herself Some Snacks at the Minnesota State Fair #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #diannefeinstein #bernieburnham #humaninterest #amyklobuchar #minnesota #klobuchar #ihlanomar #trump
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #diannefeinstein #bernieburnham #humaninterest #amyklobuchar #minnesota #klobuchar #ihlanomar #trump
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Looks Like Amy Klobuchar Found Herself Some Snacks at the Minnesota State Fair #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #diannefeinstein #bernieburnham #humaninterest #amyklobuchar #ihlanohmar #klobuchar #trump
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #diannefeinstein #bernieburnham #humaninterest #amyklobuchar #ihlanohmar #klobuchar #trump
Democrats are kicking Republican asses in the ballot boxes all over the country over #abortion giving them a clear advantage. So naturally #klobuchar looks to throw a pick 6 just like her pathetic Vikings. This is why we lose. #uspol
NYT Architecture : Congress is Looking for a New Architect of the Capitol, With Little Success #UnitedStatesPoliticsandGovernment #StormingoftheUSCapitol(Jan,2021) #CapitolBuilding(Washington,DC) #AmericanInstituteofArchitects #ArchitectoftheCapitol #Steil,BryanGeorge #Biden,JosephRJr #Blanton,JBrett #Klobuchar,Amy #Architecture
#unitedstatespoliticsandgovernment #stormingoftheuscapitol #capitolbuilding #americaninstituteofarchitects #architectofthecapitol #steil #biden #blanton #klobuchar #architecture
#Klobuchar and #Durbin Reintroduce Bill To #Protect #Election Workers
#klobuchar #durbin #protect #election
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #D
Sondaggio di Leger:
Joe #Biden: 27% (+2)
Bernie #Sanders: 12% (-2)
Kamala #Harris: 10%
Pete #Buttigieg: 7% (-3)
Gavin #Newsom: 7% (+1)
Elizabeth #Warren: 6% (+2)
Gretchen #Whitmer: 4%
Cory #Booker: 3% (-3)
Amy #Klobuchar: 2% (+1)
Non so: 16%
Qualcun altro: 5%
Data rilevazione: 6-10 aprile
+/-: 10-13 febbraio
Intervistati: 368
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #d #biden #sanders #harris #buttigieg #newsom #warren #whitmer #booker #klobuchar
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #D
Sondaggio di YouGov:
Scenario: Joe Biden non si candida
Kamala #Harris: 25%
Pete #Buttigieg: 12%
Gavin #Newsom: 12%
Bernie #Sanders: 12%
Elizabeth #Warren: 8%
Amy #Klobuchar: 5%
Gretchen #Whitmer: 5%
Data rilevazione: 23-27 febbraio
Intervistati: 450
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #d #harris #buttigieg #newsom #sanders #warren #klobuchar #whitmer
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #D
Sondaggio di YouGov a #NewYork:
Joe #Biden: 31%
Bernie #Sanders: 14%
Pete #Buttigieg: 11%
Elizabeth #Warren: 9%
Kamala #Harris: 8%
Gavin #Newsom: 6%
Gretchen #Whitmer: 5%
Amy #Klobuchar: 4%
Raphael #Warnock: 4%
Data rilevazione: 9 gennaio
Intervistati: 442
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #d #newyork #biden #sanders #buttigieg #warren #harris #newsom #whitmer #klobuchar #Warnock
#Klobuchar would have a bill to change the name of a #USPS facility but will do nothing to remove the malevolent #DeJoy after he has damaged the institution as a whole.
Who is still wondering why our #democracy got #terminally #sick?
#klobuchar #usps #dejoy #Democracy #useless #senator #terminally #sick
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #D
Sondaggio di Premise:
Scenario: Joe #Biden non si ricandida
Kamala #Harris: 34%
Hillary #Clinton: 17%
Pete #Buttigieg: 10%
Gavin #Newsom: 8%
Elizabeth #Warren: 7%
Alexandria #OcasioCortez: 6%
Stacey #Abrams: 6%
J.B. #Pritzker: 3%
Amy #Klobuchar: 2%
Data rilevazione: 5-8 gennaio
Intervistati: 785
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #d #biden #harris #clinton #buttigieg #newsom #warren #ocasiocortez #abrams #Pritzker #klobuchar
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #D
Sondaggio di Big Village:
Joe #Biden: 32% (-5)
Kamala #Harris: 18%
Bernie #Sanders: 12% (+1)
Gavin #Newsom: 9% (+5)
Pete #Buttigieg: 8%
Alexandria #OcasioCortez: 8% (+3)
Elizabeth #Warren: 4% (-1)
Amy #Klobuchar: 3%
Josh #Shapiro: 2% (+1)
Gretchen #Whitmer: 1% (-1)
Data rilevazione: 4-6 gennaio
+/-: 16-18 dicembre
Intervistati: 477
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #d #biden #harris #sanders #newsom #buttigieg #ocasiocortez #warren #klobuchar #shapiro #whitmer
“Biden still suffers from the fact that a strong majority of #Democrats simply don’t want him to be their #nominee again, which is not normal for an #incumbentpresident.”
Other possible candidates for the #DemocraticParty are Pete #Buttigieg, Gretchen #Whitmer, Amy #Klobuchar and a few others although best bets are still on #Biden.
#Democrats #nominee #incumbentpresident #democraticparty #buttigieg #whitmer #klobuchar #biden
You might want to Pay attention to this….
Moore vs Harper ( Independent State Legislature Theory) will be heard by SCOTUS next week and it has the potential to significantly impact our Democracy.
Senator Klobuchar offers her insights. Watch this:
#scotus #news #politics #klobuchar #law
Presumptive Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe #Biden asks centrist Amy #Klobuchar to undergo vetting for the VP slot. So much for optimistic progressives hoping to push him leftwards
I saw an article, which I hope is baseless, but fear is not, suggesting #Biden is considering selecting #Klobuchar for VP. So basically a democratic party ticket of 2 politicians who could be moderate republicans, if such a thing were possible to exist
Presidential candidate Amy #Klobuchar getting some unwanted attention about her reign as County Attorney in #MN. "She gave the cops full reign", says a man convicted of, but apparently innocent of a child murder
Tom #Steyer and Amy #Klobuchar, who present themselves as qualified to be the US President, could not name the president of #Mexico when asked on the campaign trail in Nevada. Of course, Americans are accustomed to ignorant presidents, so maybe not an issue
1er bilan de cette primaire du #NewHampshire?
3 faits majeurs:
1. #BernieSanders vainqueur mais avec 1 marge plus faible que prévu sur #Buttigieg. Ils sortent en tête de la séquence #Iowa/#NH
2. Désastre total pour #Warren ET #Biden sous les 10%
3. #Klobuchar surgit vraiment.
#newhampshire #berniesanders #buttigieg #iowa #warren #biden #klobuchar