..and what crazy ideas is Tucker Carlson inserting into the Wenzel family? More schemes to oust mayors using a dark money sting?
RT @Theobius
@PierrePoilievre Straight accusation, Pierre:
Is the CPC in a conspiracy with mafia, the religious far right, the GOP, oligarchs like Weston, Wenzel, Mannix, Munk, Rogers to create a very profitable system of homelessness - drugs - prison - rehab - homeless - drugs.. (basically…
Doug Ford and the Russians
RT @LarysaDub
🧵There are whispers on twitter that Kirill Kalinin, expelled Russian Diplomat( accused of being a Russian operative) is Pierre Poilievre's "handler". A PressProgress article from 2022 makes this a chilling prospect if true. Excerpts in the thread:
Code name 'Frida'
Putin hates Freeland
RT @Theobius
Chrystia Freeland - KGB Code Name "Frida"
#KlondikePapers https://twitter.com/MsFuddleDuddle/status/1537942355025702912
RT @ABCyyc
If there was ever any doubt who else was behind these Jonathan Denis apologist sock puppets, guess no more 🥱
#yyccc #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #cdnpolitics #klondikepapers
RT @Theobius
SK MP Jeremy Patzer declared his fealty to the usurpers. Note the news is skipping that Trump's HHS anti-vax wonk Paul Elias Alexander, Author at Brownstone Institute, was a speaker.
#KlondikePapers https://twitter.com/CalgaryOccupy/status/1539747065353252865
PPE and the Plymouth Brethren
Nathan Jacobson say he secured rights to an Israeli rapid COVID test? Allan Hallman lobbied for Equity Health Services AKA Heavoil Tech Inc.
RT @TheBreakdownAB
Course, then there’s always this too…
“Between April 20 and May 1, 2020 Alan Hallman lobbied Minister of Health Tyler Shandro and Alberta Health Services on behalf of Equity Health Services.”
While his son was in the healt…
Alan Hallman is someone to avoid, I am told
RT @klondikepapers
When D. Wallace arranged a meeting with CBC's Carolyn Dunn, she was followed to the meeting by a Private Investigator hired by Alan Hallman.
This DM is between Carolyn and David after the event. Thank you @carolyndunncbc for permission to publish p.3615 of the #klondikepapers
Baird never left politics
He groomed PP
The sexual assaults never investigated
Baird links to the #KlondikePapers through Nathan Jacobson
RT @Theobius
The Brethren site containing the Prescott quote is erased and the page is not archived but it is confirmed as a Brethren site.
#briefhistorycpcthread #robocalls #plymouthbrethren #klondikepapers
RT @Theobius
Andrew Prescott, the Conservative campaign worker linked to the IP address in the Guelph voter suppression scandal. Chipeur is his lawyer. Prescott is a member of the Plymouth Brethren.
#briefhistorycpcthread #robocalls #plymouthbrethren #klondikepapers
RT @Theobius
"Stephen Harper insisted on swearing his [2011] oath of office on his “personal Bible.” That Bible was in fact a Plymouth Brethren Christian Church Bible, according to [Richard] Marsh"
#briefhistorycpcthread #klondikepapers
I have a bot farm dedicated to me and a few others
It's Michael Terrigno AKA Hotlips or his girlfriend Jonathan Denis or Craig Chandler or all of them. All are close, in every way, with Poilievre.
RT @ABCyyc
A new list of many active MT/JD “Kensington Syndicate” sock puppets
Compliments of one of their sock puppets
#abpoli #ableg #yyccc #cdnpoli #cdnpolitics #klondikepapers https://t.co/vaVQCJin06
#abpoli #ableg #yyccc #cdnpoli #cdnpolitics #klondikepapers
British study on PPE fraud
The Plymouth Brethren, who helped Stephen Harper get to power, were major contributors to tax dollar theft in Britain and in Canada
RT @GoodLawProject
We’ve been investigating the excesses of the PPE scandal and Covid procurement. But that’s only part of a much bigger story. A new NAO report shows £33.2–£58.8bn of fraud & error in government spending and income in 2020-21 – unrelated to…
Everyone needs to know about The Brethren: #KlondikePapers
RT @IsisWise@twitter.com
Plymouth Brethren secretive sect received over $50 Million in Canada PPE contracts from Doug Ford and Manitoba govt. In U.K. Received Billions. PBCC has ties to Gerald Chipeur Conservative lawyer. ➡️https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-ppe-rich-list-covid-firms-unmasked-6270fk8xw #KlondikePapers