The #EU 's decision to classify #Apple as a #gatekeeper under the #DigitalMarketsAct is the right decision towards more openness and choice of the #iOS platform!
I — an #Android developer that is interested in #multiplatform development via #KMP — am looking forward to a future where I can easily sideload my small & free apps on iOS devices & distribute them through other stores w/o having to pay 100USD/year for an Apple dev account that I otherwise don't need.
#eu #Apple #gatekeeper #digitalmarketsact #iOS #android #multiplatform #kmp #europe #europeancommission #dma
Want to meet other #AndroidDev? Or just learn more about what people like are doing these days with #KMP or #JetpackCompose? Join us on Wednesday at
TomTom Berlin office!
Register here for free! 👇📷👇
#AndroidDev #kmp #JetpackCompose
🎥 New video alert! 🎥
In this interview, I talked to @sebi_io from @jetbrains about Kotlin Multiplatform, Compose UI, and the future of Android development at Droidcon Berlin 2023.
Watch the full interview here:
#jetbrains #kmp #interview #adt #dcbln23
Thanks @kotlinweekly for promoting my interview with Hadi Hariri. 😇🙏
#ADT #AndroidDeveloperTips #Video #YouTube #Android #AndroidDev #Kotlin #KotlinDev #interview #KMP #techtalk #dcbln23
#adt #androiddevelopertips #video #youtube #android #AndroidDev #kotlin #kotlindev #interview #kmp #techtalk #dcbln23
🎥 Just published my interview with Hadi Hariri, Dev Advocacy @ JetBrains at #Droidcon Berlin 2023! We talked about #Kotlin, #KMP, and more.
Check it out on my YT channel:
#ADT #AndroidDeveloperTips #devtalk #JetBrains #AndroidDev #TalkingKotlin #dcbln23
#droidcon #kotlin #kmp #adt #androiddevelopertips #devtalk #jetbrains #AndroidDev #talkingkotlin #dcbln23
Day 3 of @droidcon is rapidly approaching the end of the conference. It was an amazing event! Thanks to the speakers, organizers and sponsors for this well executed conference. #android #conference #kotlin #kmp
#android #conference #kotlin #kmp
Good morning from @droidcon Berlin! Getting started for our 2nd day of sessions! #aandroid #developer #conference #kotlin #kmm #kmp
#aandroid #developer #conference #kotlin #kmm #kmp
@freiburg nun gesellt sich Baubürgermeister Prof. Martin Haag zum OB und stellt den, noch nicht beschlossenen, #Klimamobilitätsplan der Stadt Freiburg vor. Der @FR_Entscheid hat den ersten Entwurf des #KMP scharf kritisiert. Wir werden über den endgültigen Vorschlag berichten und uns mit den Verkehrsverbänden wie dem @vcdsuedbaden unterhalten.
I only recently realized that you can share Compose ui with the web without wasm - wrote a short post about it here - #kmp #androiddev
Are there #iOS developers out here who a truly excited about #Kotlin #Multiplatform? The iOS developers I talked to so far are rather skeptical 😐
#iOS #kotlin #multiplatform #android #AndroidDev #Apple #kmp
It's KMP survey time!
#kotlin #kmp #AndroidDev #JetpackCompose
Just added support for the browser to my KMP Template! 🙌 See it live on
#ContextReceivers are already available for Kotlin/JVM, so you can experiment them in Android, as a replacement for #Hilt or #Dagger. But the best part will come with Kotlin 1.9.x, when it will be possible to use them in the shared code, enabling a new wave of #KMP architectures.
#contextreceivers #hilt #dagger #kmp
Anyone knows how to deploy a Kotlin/JS (react) module of a KMP app to Railway (
#Kotlin #KMP
The official documentation contains instructions for heroku, however, since I’m in India, that’s not an option.
Here’s the Github repo, that I need to be deployed.
🥳 New release of Ktorfit #androiddev #kotlin #kmp
I have open sourced one of my side projects: "Displayer".
It's a multi-platform app for digital signage written in Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Desktop.
#kotlin #kmp #compose #androiddev
I'm sitting on a bunch of Kotlin Multiplatform code I want to open source but I'm stuck in a perfectionism-procrastination-paralysis cycle mixed in with some imposter syndrome. #kmp #AndroidDev
@mattramotar has revamped store docs. Give Store5 (kmp) a try and let us know what you think #kmp #foss #android
Really interesting episode of #AndroidDeveloperBackstage about #Kotlin #Multiplatform #Mobile with @chethaase, @tornorbye, @romainguy and James Ward #KMM #KMP #AndroidDev #Android #iOS #ADB
#androiddeveloperbackstage #kotlin #multiplatform #mobile #kmm #kmp #AndroidDev #android #iOS #adb
Got it working!
#jetpackcompose on #iOS. #kotlin
#kmp #KotlinMultiplatform #kotlin #iOS #JetpackCompose