Time for a half hour kip.
Best part of knapping is the weird vivid dreams they give me.
#IceAge #Knife // A *very* quick #demo #making Upper #Palaeolithic #blades
#flintknapping #knapping #stoneage #stonetools #ancientskills #craft #archaeology #experimentalarchaeology #experientialarchaeology #archaeologist
#iceage #knife #demo #making #palaeolithic #blades #flintknapping #knapping #stoneage #stonetools #ancientskills #craft #archaeology #experimentalarchaeology #experientialarchaeology #archaeologist
I guess this is where I put a hashtag-laden intro post, huh? all right, here we go.
I live in #Berkeley with a perfect #cat. I like making stuff; I'm learning #woodworking and #knapping, and have some experience with #sewing and #crochet and #gamedev. I studied #linguistics in college and it just made me more descriptivist. haven't done much #singing or #writing recently but I miss em. I casually watch #birds (literal), #sjsharks (#hockey) and #aew.
#hockey #berkeley #cat #woodworking #knapping #sewing #crochet #gamedev #birds #singing #writing #SJSharks #linguistics #aew
🪨Un atelier de taille expérimentale des roches s’est ouvert cette année sous l’impulsion de @JBacche@twitter.com, S. Solanas, @CapdevielleJu@twitter.com, G. Constans, M. Deschamps, @BrioisFrancois@twitter.com et C. Renard
Plus d'info et contact : https://traces.univ-tlse2.fr/accueil/agenda-traces/ateliers-de-taille-lithique
#silex #flint #flintknapping #knapping