Also today: I have been transcribing #Knave2e tables, of which there are many, into markdown format to use with #Obsidian and the dice-roller plugin. I wrote a shell script to translate raw text C&Ps from the PDF into markdown tables because of course I did, obviously that is something I was always going to do.
It seems to be working well though I will be annoyed if the tables change noticeably by the time of release (which they probably won't).
I use Knave tables a lot in my #dungeon23 now.
Critical Existence Failure Part 2 / 2
One thought I had was to pull something similar to Into the Odd and use ability damage. Each ability has two pips which add +1 when filled. You fill them with luxuries and carousing. When you take a wound you cross off a pip. If it was filled it no longer is. When all your pips are filled you die. Recovering wounds works the same.
Continuing my thoughts on #Knave. In the past I've used two solutions to HP bloat. The first was to drop down to a d6 but count 1 HD = L 0. The one I'm currently using is a mix of things but essentially Con + 10 + L with Armor as DR (and Agility aka Evade as a separate ability.) I'm probably not going to change DR+Agi but it could be interesting to avoid Critical Existence Failure by incorporating some sort of gradual decline.
Part 1 / 2
I, like most people who regularly play, have my own #Knave hack so it's fun to read #Knave2e to see what I want to steal or what inspires me.
I like the careers list, I have a much shorter list I use as a replacement for individual items. I found my players didn't know what to buy so I grouped them by purpose.
I can't use the direct damage rules since I changed how many slots characters get due to item kits, but I do think it's a good solution to HP bloat and low level fragility
Knave 2e is almost at 10 k backers! 40 hours to go. #ttrpg #osr #questingbeast #knave2e #knave
#ttrpg #osr #questingbeast #knave2e #Knave
I backed #Knave2e for the digital editions
As expected: It took just about a day for the hypetrain for #Knave2e to get underway. Kids be good, throw a lot of money on the dear #OSR uncle's offer, because he only means well with you and it's fun to consume old wine in new bottles again and again. These tables (etc.) will change your (#ttrpg) life… This is the formala for „good/true roleplaying“ (TM).
Consume! Conform!
What a predictable charade!!!
#DnD #Knave #QuestingBeast #notDnD #Influencer #hype #crowdfunding #fundraiser
#knave2e #osr #ttrpg #dnd #Knave #questingbeast #notdnd #influencer #hype #crowdfunding #fundraiser
The #DnD / #OSR scene is so transparent. I'm sure it won't be long before almost everyone who can throw a #d20 is calling #Knave2e the best #ttrpg since sliced bread was invented. The usual influencers will praise the machination and every wannabe Mimic will join in the chorus of praise. Another redundant, unnecessary clone will have ridiculous amounts of money thrown at it. Why come up with something of your own when you can cash in on more and more of the same.
#QuestingBeast #Knave #FolkDnD
#dnd #osr #d20 #knave2e #ttrpg #questingbeast #Knave #folkdnd