This is my third or fourth attempt to finish #KnightsOfTheOldRepublic. I refuse to lose momentum this time! I'm including it in my star wars timeline experience, since Revan is the next book I'll be reading. Wish me luck!
#StarWars #KotoR #Lucasarts #Bioware #Disney #Xbox #RPG #VideoGames #Gaming #SgareYourGames
#knightsoftheoldrepublic #starwars #kotor #lucasarts #bioware #disney #xbox #rpg #videogames #gaming #sgareyourgames
#KnightsoftheOldRepublic just refused to behave tonight, so I gave up and fell back on #BaldursGate3 . VOD will be up Thurs morning @ , and I'll be back that evening with more #HardcoreMinecraft ; join me then at !
#knightsoftheoldrepublic #baldursgate3 #hardcoreminecraft
#BaldursGate and #IcewindDale
#Ultima 4-8, we don't talk about 9
#10gamestoknowme #masseffect #undertale #baldursgate #icewinddale #knightsoftheoldrepublic #lifeisstrange #finalfantasy7 #ultima #journey #hades #worldofwarcraft
El 15 de julio de 2003 sale a la venta el videojuego Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic para Xbox.
On July 15, 2003, the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was released for Xbox.
#kotor #knightsoftheoldrepublic #starwars
I'm sorry I don't think I can stop. Maybe. Just pray that this is my last one because otherwise this will be a long night for me and who ever else reads my posts.
#twitterdown #twitter #twittermigration #twitterapi #mastodon #elonmusk #blueskysocial #monday #starwars #knightsoftheoldrepublic #meme #memes #sith #hashtags #shitposting #shitpost
#twitterdown #twitter #twittermigration #twitterapi #mastodon #elonmusk #blueskysocial #monday #starwars #knightsoftheoldrepublic #meme #memes #sith #hashtags #shitposting #shitpost
I know I've been #shitposting a lot about the various social media platforms but...yeah I'm not stopping anytime soon. Or at least not until I'm out of ideas or get tired of rehashing the same jokes.
Anyways here's another.
#twitterdown #twitter #twittermigration #twitterapi #mastodon #elonmusk #blueskysocial #monday #starwars #knightsoftheoldrepublic #meme #memes #sith #hashtags
#shitposting #twitterdown #twitter #twittermigration #twitterapi #mastodon #elonmusk #blueskysocial #monday #starwars #knightsoftheoldrepublic #meme #memes #sith #hashtags
#Bluesky social invites be like the Starport Visas in #KOTOR TSL, everybody wants one.
Or it also remind me of the sith hopefuls that are standing in front of the Sith Academy on Korriban.
#twitterdown #twitter #twittermigration #twitterapi #mastodon #elonmusk #blueskysocial #monday #starwars #knightsoftheoldrepublic #meme #memes #sith #hashtags
#bluesky #kotor #twitterdown #twitter #twittermigration #twitterapi #mastodon #elonmusk #blueskysocial #monday #starwars #knightsoftheoldrepublic #meme #memes #sith #hashtags
Other things that come to mind when taking a stroll down KOTOR memory lane:
Darth Malak was the Original Meatbag
Also HK-47 is hilarious.
As are the answers you can give Bastila when she questions you about your service record.
#knightsoftheoldrepublic #kotor #gaming #starwars #hk47 #bastila #revan #malak #meatbag
#knightsoftheoldrepublic #kotor #gaming #starwars #hk47 #bastila #revan #malak #meatbag
How to trigger PTSD in KOTOR fans...
You can already hear one of these pictures just echoing in your head
#kotor #starwars #gaming #knightsoftheoldrepublic
So KOTOR peeps, who lasts longer in a fight Calo Nord or Darth Bandon? (Bonus round: How do the droids from the Dantooine ruins compare?)
Who is a better villain?
Who is a more interesting character?
For me it's Calo Nord.
#kotor #starwars #gaming #knightsoftheoldrepublic #villain #bossfight
#kotor #starwars #gaming #knightsoftheoldrepublic #villain #bossfight
On the topic of KOTOR I present to you the saddest villain I have come across: Darth Bandon
Who is one letter short of being Abandon. Also I used to keep calling him Darth Brandon as a kid.
He is like a Malak mini me.
#kotor #starwars #gaming #knightsoftheoldrepublic #villain #amidoingthesehashtagsright
#kotor #starwars #gaming #knightsoftheoldrepublic #villain #amidoingthesehashtagsright
The FAQ article for my same-gender romance mods for the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series has been moved from Nexus Mods to my website, so I have more control in formatting the article:
#kotor #knightsoftheoldrepublic
Kotaku: Devs Abandon KOTOR 2 Restoration DLC On Switch, Apologize With Free Games #gaming #tech #kotaku #starwarsknightsoftheoldrepublicii3athesithlords #starwars3aknightsoftheoldrepublic #knightsoftheoldrepublic #starwars3abattlefront #obsidianentertainment #starwars3ajediknight #starwarsvideogames #starwarscomics #creativeworks #larswingefors #humaninterest #windowsgames #videogaming #videogames #nintendo #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #starwarsknightsoftheoldrepublicii3athesithlords #starwars3aknightsoftheoldrepublic #knightsoftheoldrepublic #starwars3abattlefront #obsidianentertainment #starwars3ajediknight #starwarsvideogames #starwarscomics #creativeworks #larswingefors #humaninterest #windowsgames #videogaming #videogames #nintendo #rpg
HK-47 on the definition of love:
"Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope" #KnightsOfTheOldRepublic
Kotaku: Grab 14 (Mostly) Good Star Wars Games For $21 #gaming #tech #kotaku #starwars3aknightsoftheoldrepublic #book3astarwars3ajediknightseries #knightsoftheoldrepublic #entertainment2cculture #starwarsvideogames #starwarscomics #creativeworks #humaninterest #asajjventress #georgelucas #clonewars #starwars #fiction #sith #jedi
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #starwars3aknightsoftheoldrepublic #book3astarwars3ajediknightseries #knightsoftheoldrepublic #entertainment2cculture #starwarsvideogames #starwarscomics #creativeworks #humaninterest #asajjventress #georgelucas #clonewars #starwars #fiction #sith #JEDI
I will say one thing about this week's #Mandalorian, and only one thing:
I have know idea if she meant to do this, but #BryceDallasHoward made the best homage to #knightsoftheoldrepublic in tone and structure that I've ever seen.
#mandalorian #brycedallashoward #knightsoftheoldrepublic
Progressing through the endless #StarWars time line. The Golden Age of the #Sith and the Fall of the Sith Empire were okay. Fun seeing Old republic stuff. Old tech, egyptian aesthetics, The Sith species. The protagonists were pretty bad though. Hard to root for. Now working my way through #TalesOfTheJedi: #KnightsOfTheOldRepublic. Nomi Sunrider is already so much more interesting. A dude getting fridged for a woman, and in the 90s no less!
#starwars #sith #talesofthejedi #knightsoftheoldrepublic #marvel #lucasfilm #disney #darkhorse
You want female Revan to be canon because you want Carth's romance to be canon. I want female Revan to be canon because I want Juhani's romance, the very first gay romance option from both Star Wars games and BioWare games, to be canon. We are not the same.
#kotor #knightsoftheoldrepublic
Since I have started creating shrines on my personal website, it is only a matter of time I made a shrine for the KotOR series too, especially given the multiple resources for KotOR I had created or compiled myself.
#kotor #knightsoftheoldrepublic
#knightsoftheoldrepublic #kotor
Since I have started creating shrines on my personal website, it is only a matter of time I made a shrine for the KotOR series too, especially given the multiple resources for KotOR I had created or compiled myself.
#kotor #knightsoftheoldrepublic
#knightsoftheoldrepublic #kotor