St Brigid update, sleeve edition
The first sleeve is complete and the second cast on yesterday. I've only blocked the back so far, which is why it looks bigger than the front.
I made an increase error earlier in the sleeve, which I'm fairly certain will not matter, but I'm not blocking it until I have finished the other sleeve and I can compare the two. :ablobcatrave:
#knitting #knittedcables #KnittersOnMastodon #knittersoOfMastadon @knitting
#knitting #knittedcables #knittersonmastodon #knittersoofmastadon
St Brigid update, sleeve edition
So far, so good.
I finished the increases last night and for once I don't hate knitting sleeves, whether I will be as positive when I have to do the next one is another matter altogether.
#knittedcables #KnittersOnMastodon #knitting #knittersofmastadon @knitting
#knittedcables #knittersonmastodon #knitting #knittersofmastadon
I haven't posted about my #knitting for a while, but last night I finished the front of my St Brigid jumper.
Casting on and entering sleeve fatigue tonight.
#knitting #knittersonmastodon #knitter #knitstodon
My #EtsySale continues!
For those of us who still need to have use of our fingers while staying warm, here's an assortment of hand-knit fingerless gloves for comfort that is both beautiful and practical.
#etsysale #fedigiftshop #knittersonmastodon #handknit