Many years ago when my son was in #USAF BMT, I kept busy by knitting. I had seen this pattern on #knittymag and was not yet #knitting socks, but I wanted to explore that pattern. So I got large circular needles and cotton yarn. my idea was to make a tube and cut it afterwards, sew on binding and have a throw blanket. However, my #Yorkie took to lying on it while it was in my lap as I knit. So I let him use it until he passed. (Continued)
#USAF #knittymag #knitting #yorkie
There's a new issue of #Knitty and Franklin has a new pattern! Imagine a dainty doily and now super size it, so it's a blanket! Voila, you have the megadahlia and it's gorgeous!
Because, let's face it, you can never have too many doily...blankets!!!
#Knitting #KnittyMag
There's a new issue of #Knitty and Franklin has a new pattern! Imagine a dainty doily and now super size it, so it's a blanket! Voila, you have the megadahlia and it's gorgeous!
Because, let's face it, you can never have too many doily...blankets!!!
#Knitting #KnittyMag
@knitting @crochet The new Spring+Summer '23 issue of Knitty Magazine is live now, and all the patterns and articles are free to read and enjoy (as always) at
Thank you to the Knitty Patrons who support us and keep us free for everyone to read!
#shareandenjoy #gladtobeofservice #knittymag
Hello, @knitting and @crochet folks!
The new Spring+Summer Issue of Knitty has just gone live for our Patrons! Want a hint? Our cover pattern is a brand-new shawl by the legendary @RomiDesigns in airy yarn from Trailhead Yarns!
The password comes off tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11:45am eastern time. Can't wait? Don't blame you! Become a Knitty Patron at the Tangy level or higher and you can get in RIGHT NOW!
#shareandenjoy #gladtobeofservice #knittymag
Knitting take three. When one chooses yarn from the stash, one may have to try several times before the gauge is correct. #knitting #TemptingII #knittymag
#knitting #temptingii #knittymag
I finished my poncho! #knit #knitting #Knitty #knittymag
#knit #knitting #knitty #knittymag
Hey, @knitting - Did you need something new to cast on over the holidays? Feel like some socks?
Have at it:
The #knittymag sock archive is at your disposal, 24/7, and all patterns are totally free and do not suck.
The Winter Issue of Knitty Magazine is Live and free for everyone to enjoy!
#ShareAndEnjoy #GladToBeOfService #knittyMag #FreeKnittingPatterns @knitting
#shareandenjoy #gladtobeofservice #knittymag #freeknittingpatterns
Paradox: I hate wearing shawls. But some of the most wonderful knitting patterns are…shawls. So here I am, doing another one. Mathematix, a lovely #knittymag pattern. #knitting #fiberarts #wip
#wip #fiberarts #knitting #knittymag
Winter ist da und es wurde ein Stirnband aus dem Schrank gekramt. Dies ist eine meiner Lieblingsanleitungen: schnell + einfach und passend für verschiedene Köpfe, weil gerippt und automatische "Knopflöcher" durch die verkürzten Reihen. 16 Jahre alt ist diese Anleitung aus dem #KnittyMag und meine absolute Empfehlung, weil auch super für Reste und als Geschenk in letzter Minute.
(Problem weil englisch? Einfach fragen!)
#knittymag #knitting #stricken #Handarbeitsclub
Today in "unintentional fairy tale reenactments", I'll finally do something about this partially-knitted sweater. Pattern is the Cubes Pullover from #KnittyMag.