My recent paper on #LTLf #logic and #TemporalModelMining through #RelationalAlgebra for temporal reasoning is out:
Interesting applications involve #CyberSecurity #Industry40 and #eHealth
If you are in #NewcastleUponTyne, I'm going to present both #KnoBAB and the general topic of #BusinessProcessManagement in next week's North East Data Scientists #MeetUp: See you there!
#meetup #BusinessProcessManagement #knobab #newcastleupontyne #ehealth #industry40 #cybersecurity #relationalalgebra #temporalmodelmining #logic #ltlf
My presentation, "#KnoBAB: Making #Logic Fast" on bridging #DataScience data processing algorithms with #AI, is accepted to the #AAAI23 Spring Symposia, #SSS. This presentation advocates for the representation of #LTLf as #Algebraic operators for accessing finite traces on #RDBMS.
Link to the fast LTLf solver:
See you in #SanFrancisco!
#sanfrancisco #rdbms #algebraic #ltlf #sss #aaai23 #ai #datascience #logic #knobab